曾是民权斗士的美交通部部长(图) | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/28 11:09 北京青年报 | |
US Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta spoke at a luncheon held in his honor by the American Chamber of Commerce on Friday. Mr Mineta was secretary of commerce under President Clinton, becoming the first Asian-American to serve in a presidential cabinet. It is very rare for one official to serve in the cabinets of presidents from different parties. From 1975 to 1995, Mr Mineta represented a district in Silicon Valley in the US House of Representatives. He was prominent in the fight to pass the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, by which the US government officially apologized for the roundup and internment of Japanese-Americans during the Second World War.(听英文53482) | |
曾是民权斗士的美交通部部长(图) | |
本周五,美国交通部部长峰田出席美国商会为欢迎他来华访问而举办的午餐会并发表讲话。峰田在克林顿政府中任商务部部长,是第一任在美国内阁中任职的亚太裔美国人,而一名官员能在不同党派的内阁中任职则是很罕见的。 从1975-1995年峰田先生在众议院中是硅谷地区的代表。他在为通过"1988年民事自由法案"所做的斗争中功勋卓著,该法案使美国政府向日裔美国人在二战中遭受围捕和收容而正式道歉。
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