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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/07/28 15:35  英语辅导报

  1. Allen had to call a taxi because the box was ________to carry all the way home. (NMET2003)

  A. much too heavy B. too much heavy

  C. heavy too much D. too heavy much

  2. It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows________. (NMET2002)

  A. it what to do with

  B. what to do it with

  C. what to do with it

  D. to do what with it

  3. As far as I'm concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, ________. (2002上海卷)

  A. the more for life are you equipped B. the more equipped for life you are

  C. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life

  4. It is generally believed that teaching is________it is a science. (NMET2001)

  A. an art much as B. much an art as

  C. as an art much as

  D. as much an art as

  5. ________to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (NMET2000)

  A. Brave enough students

  B. Enough brave students

  C. Students brave enough

  D. Students enough brave

  6. They're not very good, but we like ________. (2000上海卷)

  A. anyway to play basketball with them

  B. to play basketball with them anyway

  C. to play with them basketball anyway

  D. with them to play basketball anyway

  7. We'll have to finish the job,________. (NMET1999)

  A. long it takes however

  B. it takes however long

  C. long however it takes

  D. however long it takes

  8. If I had ________,I'd visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places. (NMET1998)

  A. a long enough holiday

  B. an enough long holiday

  C. a holiday enough long

  D. a long holiday enough

  9. ________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.(NMET1997)

  A. However late is he

  B. However he is late

  C. However is he late

  D. However late he is

  10. - How was your recent visit to Qingdao?

  -It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the________days at the seaside. (NMET1995)

  A. few last sunny B. last few sunny

  C. last sunny few D. few sunny last

  11. You can't imagine ________ when they received these nice Christmas presents.

  A. how they were excited

  B. how excited they were

  C. how excited were they

  D. they were how excited

  12. So ________that no fish can live in it.

  A. the lake is shallow

  B. shallow the lake is

  C. shallow is the lake

  D. is the lake shallow

  13. Tom kept quiet about the accident________ lose his job.

  A. so not as to B. so as not to

  C. so as to not D. not so as to

  14. A________table stood on the________hall carpet.

  A. small old round beautiful writing; green woolen Chinese

  B. beautiful small round old writing; green Chinese woolen

  C. beautiful small writing old round; Chinese woolen green

  D. old small writing beautiful round; woolen green Chinese

  15. -Do you need more water in the bottle ?

  -No, it's ________.

  A. full already enough

  B. full enough already

  C. enough full already

  D. enough already full

  16. -Is there anything else in today's newspaper ?

  -Oh, there is _____.

  A. else nothing special

  B. nothing special else

  C. special nothing else

  D. nothing else special

  17.-Do you need any more money ?

  -No, thank you. I ________.

  A. have still left some

  B. still have some left

  C. have still some left

  D. still have left some

  18. The seats in the meeting-room have________.

  A. almost been completely filled all

  B. all been almost completely filled

  C. completely been almost all filled

  D. almost all been completely filled

  19. I really don't know ________I had my pocket picked.

  A. where was it that B. it was where that

  C. where it was that D. was it where that

  20. I won't pay 50 yuan for this jacket; it's not worth ________.

  A. much all that B. all that much

  C. that all much D. all much that

  21. He has never seen________this.

  A. as an interesting film as

  B. as interesting a film as

  C. as interesting as a film

  D. interesting as a film as

  22. ________lessons were not difficult.

  A. Our first few short English

  B. Our few first short English

  C. Our few first English short

  D. Few our first English short

  23. The workers in this office________very busy.

  A. nearly always are

  B. are nearly always

  C. are always nearly

  D. always are nearly

  24. - Why don't you stay with relatives in Beijing ?

  -I ________in Tianjin.

  A. have relatives only

  B. have only relatives

  C. only have relatives

  D. relatives have only


  1. A。该句为"too + adj. + to (do)..."句型的扩展,副词much应置于too之前,表示程度。

  2. C。what to do(with it)为固定结构,意为"如何处理……"=how to deal (with it)。"疑问词+不定式"作knows的宾语。

  3. B。该题后半部分为固定句式"the+比较级...,the+比较级..."的语序。

  4. D。在that 引导的主语从句中含一个as...as引导的比较状语从句。第一个as为副词, 修饰名词前的形容词时,不定冠词放在该形容词之后,名词之前。后一个连词as引导比较状语从句。

  5. C。"形容词+enough +不定式"作后置定语修饰名词。

  6. B。like后接不定式作宾语。方式状语with them置于宾语后面。anyway (不管怎么说)常放句尾。

  7. D。however long it takes 为让步状语从句的语序。

  8. A。enough为副词时,置形容词long之后作修饰语。enough为形容词时,可放在名词之前或之后。

  9. D。从句为系表结构,是状语从句的语序。

  10. B。last是序数词,应置于the之后,数量词之前。sunny与days关系密切,并作它的定语,须紧挨着。

  11. B。how excited they were为宾语从句的语序。

  12. C。So+形容词置于句首时,主句部分倒装,so与后面的that呼应。

  13. B。so as引出否定的不定式短语,作目的状语。

  14. B。多个形容词作前置定语排列顺序为:外表特征+大小+高矮+形状+新旧+颜色+国籍+材料+类别。

  15. B。副词enough置于形容词之后。 already可放在句末加重语气。

  16. D。else紧随不定代词之后。形容词作定语放在不定代词之后。

  17. B。still 放在动词have之前。 some作have 的宾语,left (剩下的)只作后置定语,在此修饰some。

  18. D。almost须置于 all 之前,all应放在第一个助动词后。副词completely放在由实义动词转变来的过去分词前面。

  19. C。where 引出宾语从句,宾语从句为强调句式,where为被强调部分。

  20. B。all放在定冠词、物主代词或指示代词之前。该句中all修饰much, much为 be worth的宾语。

  21. B。"as +形容词+a +单数名词+as"为固定句式。

  22. A。序数词(first)放在数量词(few)前。English(表示类别)与lessons关系紧密,并作它的定语。

  23. B。always须置于be动词之后,nearly应放always之前作状语。

  24. A。副词only置于介词短语in Tianjin前,加重语气,起强调地点状语的作用。


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