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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/10 14:43  英语辅导报

  看了前两期的《点评中考试题, 透视发展动态》,中考试题的点评已接近过半。本期将接着为大家点评阅读理解、句型转换、句子翻译等题型。


  "阅读理解"是中考试题中的重头戏,在整份试卷中举足轻重。传统的阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)试题设计通常就一篇短文,设计出若干个"四选一"或"判断正误"题型,供考生解答。随着新课标的实施和素质教育的深入,那些传统题型不断地暴露出其局限性。令人欣慰的是近年来命题者敢于冲破"藩篱"的束缚,在继承传统试题优点的基础上,不断推陈出新,编写出了一大批令人耳目一新的好题型。请看下列阅读理解试题是如何体现创新意识的:

  1. 北京市阅读理解题(A):

  The Grade 3 students at the Clean City School collect empty bottles. In June, they are going to take them to a recycling (回收) center. They are going to sell the bottles and buy some books for the school library.

  Kamir has started a graph (图表) to show the number of the bottles they have collected. This is the graph.


  The Months of the School Year

  36. In October the students collected_________empty bottles.

  A. 80B. 60C. 40D. 20

  37. The students collected_________more bottles in December than in January.

  A. 10B. 20C. 30D. 40

  38. From the graph above, we know that the students picked up the same number of bottles in_________and_________.

  A. October; FebruaryB. September; April

  C. November; May D. January; March

  39. Why do the students collect empty bottles? Because they_________.

  A. want to do something for their school

  B. like empty bottles very much

  C. want to play with the bottles

  D. want to sell them to buy balls

  本文采用了文字叙述、图表相结合的方式,可谓图文并茂;从试题设计形式来看,突出了"语用",要求考生依据图表去捕捉有效信息(如题36,37,38);从选材立意角度来看,其导向明确--暗示了中学生朋友在学好文化课的同时,不要忘记"劳动"(如题39)。这样做一方面可以"将废物回收再用,美化了环境"; 另一方面又可以"勤工俭学",为学校做点有益的事。

  2. 厦门市阅读理解题(C):


  "Cool" is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings.

  "Cool" can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.



  3. 辽宁省阅读理解题:

  Different countries and different people have different manners(礼貌). We must find out their customs(习俗) so that they will not think us ill-mannered(不礼貌). Here are examples of the things that a person with good education does or does not do.

  If you visit a Chinese family, you should knock at the door first. When the door opens, you will not move before the host (男主人) says "Come in, please." After you enter the room, you would not sit down until the host asks you to take a seat. ...

  71.When can you enter the room if you visit a friend in China?





  I. 句型转换:

  1. Kate does morning exercises every day.(改为一般疑问句)

  __________Kate__________morning exercises every day? (济南市)

  2. We planted many trees in our school yard. (改为被动语态)

  Many trees__________ __________in our school yard. (青海省)

  3. I don't want to go to the concert. She doesn't want to go, either.(合并为一个简单句)

   ________________________________________ (江苏连云港市)

  4. I'm reading a book. The book is about Bill Gates. (合并为一个含定语从句的复合句)


  II. 翻译句子:

  A. 根据中文提示完成语法正确的英文句子。

  5. 玛丽学习如此努力,每个老师都喜欢她。

  Mary studies__________hard__________every teacher likes her. (北京大兴区)

  6. 他一听到这个好消息,就迫不及待地告诉了他的父亲。

  He__________his father the good news as soon as he heard it. (南京市)

  B. 根据中文提示和英语提示词语,用所学过的句型写出正确的句子,所给的提示词语必须都用上。

  7.该听网上的英语课了。 (time,online)


  C. 将划线部分的英语译成汉语。

  8. -May I use you pen?

  -Yes, of course. Here you are.

  9. You'd better give up smoking because it is harmful to your health.(黔东南州)

  从所列举的试题来看,它们不仅考查考生的动脑能力,而且对考生动笔写的能力也进行了有效的检测;从试题的要求及说明来看,由"每空一词"到"词数不限"; 就试题答案来看,进一步加大了开放性,有效地拓展了考生的思维空间,这些都将是未来命题的趋势。我们有理由相信,只要坚持基础与能力并重,加大"主观试题"的力度,就会避免"高分低能"的现象,有效地遴选人才。这种测试导向与教学目标和教学实践相适应的设计也将使测试对教学起到正面的导向作用和反拨作用。


  第四部分:36-39 CBDA 71. After/When the host says"Come in, please."/After/When the host tells me to come in.


  1. Does; do 2. were planted 3. Neither I nor she wants to go to the concert. 4. I'm reading a book which (that) is about Bill Gates. 5. so; that 6.couldn't wait to tell 7. It's time to learn English online. 8. 给你 9. 戒掉


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