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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/11 14:48  英语通
Materials and Planning - Unit 1 How can I design a syllabus
What is a syllabus? What is included in it? What types of syllabus are there? What is the purpose of a syllabus? How can it help us? Let's have a look.
1. What is a syllabus?
· A syllabus is simply a list of what learners will learn in a school semester or a school year. Usually, one or more teachers in a school design it for each year group.
· They design the syllabus after looking at the aims and standards of the curriculum, and at the needs of the children in their classes.
· A syllabus is NOT the same as the coursebook, as the teacher or school may want to design a syllabus to reflect the strengths and weaknesses of their own learners.
· The syllabus can be written in English or Chinese, and can be made available to children, parents and teachers.
2. What is in a syllabus?
· A syllabus will usually include language objectives. These objectives may include pronunciation, vocabulary items or grammar structures.
· It will usually include skills objectives too. The skills objectives will state what level the learners will achieve in speaking, listening, reading and writing.
· A syllabus for young learners will sometimes include educational objectives. For example, the teacher may want children to learn how to use a dictionary.
3. What types of syllabus are there?
· There are many different beliefs about how children learn languages, and so there are many different types of syllabus.
· A structural syllabus lists learning in the form of grammar structures, for example 'to have', 'I can', 'he/she likes', and so on.
· A topic-based syllabus lists learning under topics (My body, Sport, Animals, etc).
· A task-based syllabus lists what language children can learn from doing tasks, for example doing a shopping role-play task, deciding together on class rules for learning English, or planning a class picnic.
4. How can a syllabus help teachers and children?
· A syllabus can help the teacher think beyond the coursebook and plan learning over a period of one semester or one school year.
· If teachers design a syllabus together, it means that everyone in the school is trying to achieve the same objectives.
· A syllabus can help the teacher see if the children's learning is meeting the aims and standards of the curriculum.
· Children can also look at the syllabus to check on their progress in learning English.
A syllabus is a way for teachers to plan language learning objectives and educational objectives over a period of time. It can be designed after looking at the aims and standards of the curriculum and the needs of the children. The type of syllabus a teacher designs will reflect their beliefs about how children learn languages.
· syllabus (n) 课程提纲
· aim (v and n) 目标
· standard (n) 标准
· curriculum (n) 课程
· objective (n) 目标
· achieve (v) 达到
· task (n) 任务
· role-play(n) 角色扮演


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