禁果最甜--冰淇淋的七宗罪 | |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/08/31 13:24 《英语学习》 | |
Seven Deadly Sins Ice Leaves Church Cold
Catholic church leaders in Germany have responded icily to a range of ice creams named after the seven deadly sins, accusing the makers of trifling with serious matters and courting controversy to boost sales. "These sins are serious matters. We cannot support something which advocates turning away from God," said Manfred Nielen, spokesman for the archbishopric of Hamburg. Manfred Becker-Huberti from the archbishopric of Cologne agreed: "All they are trying to do is popularise something via provocation," he said. But Ute Sievert, spokeswoman for ice cream makers Langnese, a brand of Anglo-Dutch group Unilever, said the seven flavours of envy, gluttony, greed, lust, pride, sloth and wrath did not endorse mortal sins. "Our ice cream has nothing to do with religion. They're just seven great flavours of ice cream," she said. | |
禁果最甜--冰淇淋的七宗罪 | |
德国的天主教领袖们对一系列以七宗大罪命名的冰淇淋作出了冰冷的反应,指责制造商拿严肃的事情来开玩笑,靠引起争议来促销。汉堡大主教辖区发言人曼弗雷德·涅伦说:“七宗大罪是严肃的事情。我们不能对鼓动人们离弃上帝的东西表示支持。”来自科隆大主教辖区的曼弗雷德·贝克尔—胡伯提也同意他的观点,他说:“他们就是想通过挑衅来推广产品。”这一系列冰淇淋的制造商是英荷合资的联合利华集团旗下的朗格尼斯公司,该公司女发言人尤特·西尔韦特反驳说,以嫉妒、暴食、贪婪、纵欲、傲慢、懒惰和愤怒来命名七种不同风味的冰淇淋并不意味着对这些大罪的认可。她说:“我们的冰淇淋跟宗教没有关系,它们只是七种风味绝佳的冰淇淋而已。” Remarks:我觉得冰淇淋公司不是在挑衅,而是在挑逗:禁果最甜。犯不行,吃总可以吧?
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