漫画布什--优柔寡断VS头脑简单 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/10 16:51 北京青年报 |
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![]() 优柔寡断VS头脑简单? On September 30 there occurred the first of three debates between US President George W. Bush and his Democratic opponent, Senator John Kerry. The performance of both speakers took observers by surprise: Kerry spoke firmly and decisively and with a calm dignity that seemed distinctly "presidential", whereas Bush performed disappointingly, without the confidence and humorous warmth that are his hallmarks. The race, which had seemed to be moving in Bush's favor, was blown wide open again as Kerry gained support in the opinion polls conducted in the first few days after the debate. Today's cartoon by Pat Oliphant gives a good summary of what people object to in the usual Bush and Kerry styles. The senator from Massachusetts tends to speak in complex and often unfinished sentences that leave listeners unsure of what he really thinks. He can sound stiff and, at his worst, pompous and silly. The piling up of conditions and reservations, though a mark of subtlety, makes him seem vacillating and weak. On the one hand this, on the other that... Intelligent perhaps in some contexts, but in the end what policy is he advocating? Oliphant gives us a good sample of Kerry on a bad day, with all his unfortunate verbal habits on show. President Bush, in contrast, sends a very clear message. He speaks in short, trenchant sentences. Through his speaking style Bush skillfully builds rapport with middle-class and small-town men eager for a tough leader who knows his own mind -- a leader, that is, who represents an ideal vision of themselves. The problem is that sophisticated observers find Bush's speeches simple-minded. He is excellent at communicating feeling but anyone who is looking for evidence that the president has a refined grasp of reality will come away baffled. Does the president actually think in these tough-guy slogans? Or is the cowboy palaver just a political ploy to keep his core supporters happy? The nauseated heraldic eagle speaks for Oliphant. Is he, the eagle wonders, being too critical or are the candidates the problem? He isn't really sure. Perhaps his queasiness is just a sign that he's coming down with bird flu. 漫画注释 ①“一般而言,我会赞同那一点。然而,另一方面,还有更复杂的诸多因素作为考虑事项应加以考虑,也就是说……” ②“把他们熏出来!不管是死是活!抓住他们!” ③“是我自己的问题还是他们的问题?还是我得了禽流感?” ④“但愿别是乔治流感。”(缎带上的话:国家的统一与宪法永存) |
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漫画布什--优柔寡断VS头脑简单(图) |
美国社会热点/名家漫画赏析WD White(美) 美国总统乔治-W-布什与他的民主党对手、参议员约翰-克里之间共有三场公开辩论,9月30日进行了第一场辩论。两位的表现让观察家们吃了一惊:克里讲话时语气坚定、果断,并带着一种冷静庄重的气度,看起来明显带有总统应有的气质;而布什的表现令人失望,他缺乏自己惯有的自信和幽默热情的风格。这场竞赛本已朝着对布什有利的方向发展,但辩论之后几天进行的民意调查显示,克里的支持率有所上升,竞赛又一次变得胜负难料了。 布什与克里惯常的讲话风格都有人们厌烦之处,漫画家帕特-奥列芬特在今天的漫画中对此做了很好的概括。来自马萨诸塞州的参议员克里往往爱用复杂的而且常常是不完整的句子,这就使听者不能确定他到底是怎么想的。他的讲话有时听起来拘谨呆板,最糟糕的时候甚至显得华而不实、愚蠢可笑。他会把种种条件和限制堆砌在一起,尽管这样讲话标志着他的细腻敏锐,但也使他显得优柔寡断、软弱无力。例如他会说:一方面怎样,另一方面又是怎样……在某些情况下,这样的措辞也许显得很聪明,可是归根到底他究竟在提出什么样的政策呢?奥列芬特给了我们一个很好的例子,它展示了克里在最背的一天里显示出的所有不好的语言习惯。 与克里形成对照的是,布什总统总是发出很清楚的信息,他讲话用的是简短而清晰有力的句子。通过这样的说话风格,布什巧妙地与中产阶级以及来自小城镇的男性选民建立了亲善关系,这些人渴望强硬的有决断力的领导人,也就是代表他们理想的自我形象的领导人。然而问题在于,善于分析的观察家们发现,布什的讲话显得他头脑简单。在传达感情方面,他很出色,但若是有谁想在他的讲话里找到这位总统能够精确把握时局的依据,那就只能困惑地离开了。总统的思维方式真的就像硬汉们的口号吗?或者,他那牛仔式的讲话只是用来取悦他的铁杆支持者的一个政治策略呢? 变了形的美国国徽上的那只感到恶心的鹰说出了奥列芬特想说的话,鹰想,是它自己太挑剔呢,还是这两位候选人本身有问题?它确定不了,也许,感觉恶心只是得了禽流感的征兆。 |
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