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非比寻常的好朋友 A Great Friend
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/11 10:43  英语广场

  As I am now a senior high school student, I have a great many friends, but there is one whom I prize over all the rest. I first made his acquaintance when I began to go to school. He has been my constant companion ever since.

  Though he is serious in appearance, he never fails to be interesting. Often he is clever, sometimes even merry and gay. He is the most knowledgeable friend a person could have. He knows virtually every language of the world, all the events of history, and the words of all the great poets and philosophers. A kindly benefactor, he is admired and enjoyed by everyonewho makes his acquaintance.

  To me, he has been a great teacher as well as a friend. He first taught methe secrets of my own language and then those of others. With these keys he showed us how to unlock all the arts and sciences of man.

  My friend is endlessly patient. Dull though I may be, I can return to him again and again, and he is always ready to teach me. When I am bored,he entertains me. When I am dispirited, he lifts me up. When I am lonely, he keeps me company. He is a friend not only to me but to millions around the world. Shall I tell you his name? His name is “reading”。


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