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unit 15 The necklace
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/11 10:51  新浪教育



  我们通常利用两种上下文线索来猜测生词的含义。一是说明性线索,就是在生词的前后存在着说明、解释该生词的词语线索。如:We can feel acceleration , an increase in speed. (生词acceleration的词义由an increase in speed说明,意为“加速”。)二是情景或逻辑线索。如 The weather was very hot. The sweat dropped down his face. His clothes were wet as if he had fallen into the water. (sweat的词义可从这三句提供的情景推断出是“汗水”的意思。)

  Passage A


  Jim and Della were husband and wife. They were young, and they loved each other dearly. It was the day before Christmas. Each was thinking of giving the other a nice Christmas present.

  They had an income (收入) of only twenty dollars a week. It didn't leave much for saving. Three times Della counted the money she had saved. There was only one dollar and eightyseven cents. There was nothing she could do but weep. She was so sad that everything looked gray before her.

  Suddenly she thought of her beautiful hair. Her hair and Jim's fine gold watch were what they took great pride in.① Della stood before the mirror. She pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length (长度). It reached below her knees. It was like a brown waterfall, rippling (起细浪) and shining.

  Della did her hair up again. She ran to a shop and sold it for twenty dollars. Then she searched the shops for a gold chain worthy of Jim's watch.② She finally got one and paid twentyone dollars for it. With only eightyseven cents left, she went home.

  Della held the gold chain in her hand and sat on the corner of the table near the door, waiting for Jim to come back. Jim was never late. He opened the door and entered. He did not say "Merry Christmas" to Della but stared at her with a special expression on his face. Jim could hardly believe that Della had cut off her hair. But when he realized that her hair was really gone, he drew a package from his pocket and threw it upon the table. In the package was the set of combs (一套梳子) that Della had long expected to get. But with her hair gone there could be no use for them now.

  Della showed the gold chain to Jim. Instead of taking out his gold watch, Jim dropped himself on to the couch (睡椅) and smiled. He told Della that he had sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs.


  1. What does the underlined word “weep” mean in the second paragraph?

  A. clean.B. wipe.C. laugh.D. cry.

  2. Why did Della have her hair cut off and sell it?

  A. Because she didn't like her long hair any more.

  B. Because she wanted to buy a Christmas gift for her husband.

  C. Because she wanted to buy a beautiful comb she had been wanting.

  D. Because her husband asked her for some money.

  3. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. They loved each other very much.

  B. Della had twentyone dollars and eightyseven cents in all after she had sold her hair.

  C. Jim was angry at seeing Della's long hair gone.

  D. Della searched the shops for a gold chain worthy of Jim's watch.


  ① Her hair and Jim's fine gold watch were what they took great pride in.


  Total words:351

  Reading time:____

  Reading speed: ____

  ② Then she searched the shops for a gold chain worthy of Jims watch.


  Passage B


  Here is one person who really believes in keeping fit.① Her name is Mrs Laura Taylor. She is 45 but looks at least 10 years younger. Let's listen to her story.

  It all started about two years ago. In those days things were very different. I was overweight. I used to stay at home all day. I never went out into the fresh air, except when I wanted do the shopping. And even then I used to take the car. One day I looked at myself in the mirror.

  “My God,” I thought, “I look terrible!” I tried to touch my toes (脚趾). I couldnt do it. I found an old dress. I couldnt put it on. It was too small. Or rather, I was too fat. The next day I tried to run a little. At first it was terrible. I mean I just couldnt run. And at first people used to laugh at me. “Why are you running? Are you in a hurry?” they shouted.

  But now I have changed the way I lived. I've stopped eating meat and I have started eating far more fresh vegetables. My husband and daughter have started that too. At first they didn't like the new food. But they have changed. About six months ago I sold my car and bought a bike. Recently I've started doing yoga (瑜珈) exercises. My husband often goes cycling with me now and my daughter runs with me in the evening. They've both lost weight and are much healthier than they used to be, too.②


  1. Which sentence is NOT true about Mrs Laura Taylor now?

  A. She is a middle aged woman.

  B. She likes to take exercise.

  C. She is very fat.

  D. She looks much younger than her real age.

  2. Which of the following did NOT cause her to be overweight?

  A. She never got any exercise.

  B. She used to stay at home all day.

  C. She used to drive a car.

  D. She used to do her shopping on foot.

  3. Mrs Laura Taylor told us her story to____ .

  A. show that we should not eat meat if we want to keep fit

  B. let us know that it's difficult to lose weight

  C. warn us not to smoke if we want to be healthy

  D. show that we should take exercise and eat more vegetables if we want to keep fit


  ① Here is one person who really believes in keeping fit.


  Total words:261

  Reading time:____

  Reading speed: ____

  ② Theyve both lost weight and are much healthier than they used to be, too.


  Passage C


  Have you ever seen people dance? Some dances are fast and others are slow. People's feet always move when they dance. They keep on moving until the music stops.

  People have enjoyed dancing for a very long time. This story is of a different kind of dance. It is a dance without people or music. Yet this dance is one of the oldest in the world. It is the dance of bees.

  If you have ever watched bees, you know that they are very clever. They also work hard looking for food and bringing it back to their home.

  The home of the bees is called a beehive. Here hundreds even thousands of bees live. They work day and night building small walls of wax (蜡状物).① There they make their honey. This is the same honey as we eat.

  Where does honey come from? Bees live on food from flowers. Have you seen bees flying around a flower garden? When a bee rested on a flower, it tries to go to the centre of it. There it takes in as much food as its body can hold. Then it flies to take food back to the hive.

  At the hive, bees change this flower food into honey. Then they fly away for more food.

  How do the bees know where to find the best food in the sweetest flowers? One bee acts as a guide. When it discovers good flowers, it flies back to the hive and tells the others. It does this by dancing for them.②

  The bee dances on one side. This tells the other bees which way to go to find the flowers. But that is not all. The bee dances for some time. And the length of its dance tells the other bees how far they must fly to reach the flowers.

  When the bees see the dance, they know where the flowers are. They fly away and return with more food for the hive.

  Sometimes we hear the music of the bees as they fly around. But few people have ever seen them dance. Yet without that dance we might never have sweet honey to eat.


  1. The writer believes that____ .

  A. people dance better than bees

  B. people learned dance from bees

  C. bees dance more often than people

  D. bees don't like music

  2. From this passage we know that the dance of bees means____ .

  A. they are good at dance

  B. they want to show their beauty

  C. they communicate with each other

  D. they have nothing to do

  3. Which of the following is TRUE?

  A. people get honey from flowers directly.

  B. people draw honey from bees bodies.

  C. people produce honey in a hive.

  D. people get honey from the bee hive.

  4. If a bee wants to get some information about the distance of food, he may watch closely at ____ of the other bee's dance.

  A. the sideB. the length

  C. the placeD. the time


  ① They work day and night building small walls of wax.


  Total words:361

  Reading time:____

  Reading speed: ____

  ② It does this by dancing for them.


  Passage D


  On the night of the play, Jack was at the theatre early and he was already dressed in a policemans clothes long 1 the end of the first scene. He certainly looked the part all right, and he thought as he admired (赞赏) himself in the mirror. He 2 thought of going out into the street to see 3 he could pass as 4 out there. Just for 5 , of course. Then he suddenly felt nervous. After all, it was his first time to have a part in a play. 6 could he face all those people 7 the play? He put his head in his hands and tried to 8 his lines (台词), but nothing 9 into his mind. A knock on the door made him look 10 . He was to go on stage (舞台) in the second scene. “Have I 11 my part and ruined the play for everybody?” he thought to himself. But it was only the manager. She 12 how nervous he was and 13 he should stand near the stage 14 he could watch and follow the play. It was a good 15 of getting rid of his nervousness, she said. She was right, it seemed to 16 . In fact the more he watched the play, the more he felt himself part of it.① At last the moment came for him to appear on the stage. But suddenly the manager came to him again, 17 worried as she placed a hand on his arm to 18 him back.② “Has anything gone 19 ?” Jack asked. “Im afraid you're going to be 20 ,” she said. “They've jumped three pages of the play and have missed your part out completely.”③


  1. A. beforeB. byC. afterD. at

  2. A. just B. even C. still D. already

  3. A. how B. why C. as if D. whether

  4. A. a policeman B. a worker C. an officer D. manager

  5. A. joke B. fun C. play D. exercise

  6. A. Where B. Why C. When D. How

  7. A. following B. attending C. watching D. observing

  8. A. read B. remember C. understand D. learn

  9. A. came B. went C. happened D. got

  10. A. away B. up C. out D. down

  11. A. passed B. left C. missed D. failed

  12. A. wondered B. imagined C. noticed D. examined

  13. A. agreed B. suggested C. persuaded D. encouraged

  14. A. where B. when C. that D. there

  15. A. idea B. way C. path D. plan

  16. A. do B. win C. work D. act

  17. A. feeling B. looking C. sounding D. growing

  18. A .hold B. take C. catch D. push

  19. A. bad B. late C. mad D. wrong

  20. A. frightened B. excited C. disappointed D. pleased


  ① In fact the more he watched the play, the more he felt himself part of it.

  事实上他看演出看得越多, 就越感到自己进入了角色。

  ② But suddenly the manager came to him again, looking worried as she placed a hand on his arm to hold him back.


  ③ Theyve jumped three pages of the play and have missed your part out completely.

  他们跳过了三页剧本, 完全把你的角色给漏掉了。

  Passage A


  1. D. 由短文第二段 “She was so sad that everything looked gray before her.” 可以推出答案。

  2. B. 通过全文可知Della把她的长发剪了并卖掉为的就是给Jim买一份圣诞礼物。

  3. C. 文章中 Jim只是对Della把头发剪掉感到很吃惊,并不是看到这个情景很生气。

  Passage B

  本文描述的是一个叫做Mrs Laura Taylor的人讲述她是如何成功减肥的。

  1. C. 现在的Mrs Laura Taylor已经减肥成功,所以不再是很胖了。

  2. D. 从文章第一段可知她过去都是开车上街购物的。

  3. D. 从全文可知Mrs Laura Taylor讲述她减肥成功的故事来告诫大家如果想保持好的身材就应多吃蔬菜并加强锻炼。

  Passage C


  1. C. 从全文可知蜜蜂是借助跳舞来完成采蜜这个过程的,所以它经常跳舞。

  2. C. 纵观全文可推出蜜蜂通过舞蹈来互相交流。

  3. D.从文章第四段以及常识可推出答案。

  4. B. 从文章第八段最后一句话可得知答案。

  Passage D

  本文描述了Jack 第一次登台演出前的紧张的心理状态。

  1. A. 从下文可知他在第一幕结束前就已穿好了扮演警察的戏服。

  2. B. 他甚至想走到街上看看有没有人把他当作警察。

  3. D. whether “是否”。

  4. A. 与上文的a policemans clothes相对应。

  5. B. for fun 是固定词组,意为“闹着玩的” 。

  6. D. 他如何来面对所有看戏的观众。

  7. C. watch the play “观看戏剧”。

  8. B. remember his lines“记起台词”。

  9. A. nothing came into his mind. “他什么也记不起来了”。

  10. B. 与上文“He put his head in his hands”相对应。

  11. C. 我有没有错过这个角色而破坏了整部戏。

  12. C. 舞台监督注意到他有多紧张。

  13. B. 动词suggest表“建议”时,后面从句中的谓语动词用should do的形式。

  14. A. 关系副词where 引导的定语从句修饰the stage。

  15. B. a good way of doing...“做……的一个很好的办法”。

  16. C. 动词work 在这里是“起作用”的意思。

  17. B. looking worried是现在分词作伴随状语,“看起来很焦急”。

  18. A. hold...back “使……不向前”。

  19. D. 出了什么问题了吗?

  20. C. 恐怕你会失望了。

  1. She ran to a shop and sold it for twenty dollars. 她跑到店铺把头发卖了20美元。 (Line 19, Passage A)

  介词for 可用来表示买卖或钱物交换关系,可译为“花(要)……钱”,“作为……的代价”等。如:

  He paid 50 pence for the book. 他付了50便士买这本书。

  I bought the dictionary for 20 yuan. 我花20元买了这本字典。

  She is willing to work for nothing. 她愿意工作不计报酬。

  2. Bees live on food from flowers. 蜜蜂以花粉为主食。(Line 11, Passage C)

  请注意live on 和live by的区别:

  live on sth.“以……为主食,以……为生计”。如:

  They live on fish and rice. 他们以鱼和米饭为主食。

  He lives on S|80 a week. 他一星期靠80美元过活。

  live by... 赖……为生;以……为生(指谋生的方法或手段)。如:

  They lived by fishing. 他们以捕鱼为生。


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