新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > Brian的英语世界 > 幸福的感觉哪怕只是短短几天也可以

http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/10/18 18:17  新浪教育

  B so when will you meet him this week?

  N Saturday.

  B the day after tomorrow.

  N right, the day after tomorrow.

  B did you miss him?

  N a little bit, somehow. I loved that guy.

  B you are crazy about that guy?

  N well, he is a good guy.


  B take care of yourself.

  N I try to take care of myself.

  B do you have any fears『担忧』?

  N I don’t have a lot of fears. I have the normal fear of losing people, you know, I guess we all think about that, especially when….

  B especially when you get to be a certain age『尤其是你到了一定年龄的时候』.

  N yes, I want to make sure my family are good, and then myself, other than that, I don’t have a lot of fears.

  B did you have sex with him today?

  N no, I got my PMS『Pre-menstrual syndrome:月经前不快症状』.

  B oh.

  N J

  B are you sure he didn’t get married before?


  N yes, I am sure.

  B have you ever had sex with any married men?

  N well, no, but I don’t know if I will.

  B what do you mean?

  N for instance, some wives don’t even like having sex with the men they’re married to, and they stay married for the sake of who knows what reasons『她们也不知道是为何来维持婚姻』.

  B there’s all different reasons and all different ways you could look at it.

  N yes.


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