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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/03 10:33  北京青年报

  Ryan Armitage for the DemocratsChoosing a president is no easy matter. American presidents are not figureheads; their personal priorities can lead to initiatives that have a tremendous impact on the nation and the world. After careful consideration, I have chosen to give my support to John Kerry. Behind this decision are Kerry's views on three broad issues of overriding importance to me.

  Theenvironment. The 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment declared that "man's environment, the natural and the man-made, is essential to his well-being and to the enjoyment of basic human rights -- even the right to life itself." As a senator, Mr. Kerry has established a solid record of support for environmental protection. In fact, he has been called one of the most pro-environment people in Congress. He has voted repeatedly for measures that would enforce strict observance of the Clean Air and Clean Water acts as well as promote wilderness protection. John Kerry has promised, if elected, to promote cleaner and greener communities by setting new standards of environmental excellence for America. They will focus on clean air, clean water and a green landscape for all.

  Healthinsurance. Year after year healthcare costs in America continue to rise. Family USA, a family advocacy group, has reported that "workers' costs for health insurance have risen by 36 percent since 2000, dwarfing the average 12.4 percent increase in earnings since President Bush took office." Furthermore, companies are being forced to cut retirees' benefits. There are also 45 million uninsured Americans who simply cannot afford to pay for insurance. John Kerry and John Edwards have a plan to give low-cost high-quality coverage to 95 percent of Americans. Their goal is to provide all Americans with access to the same coverage that members of Congress give themselves.

  Foreignpolicy. The world faces a real threat of continuing terrorism. America has a great tradition of working with the wider world①on shared problems. Unfortunately, the nation has recently turned away from its allies; its international reputation has suffered as a result. From his grade school education in Europe to his time on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, John Kerry has acquired the international experience needed to restore America's credibility. He has called for a collective foreign policy that respects the role of the United Nations. At the same time, Kerry has stated that America should secure its freedom of action by lessening its dangerous dependence on Middle Eastern oil.(Ryan Armitage)

  Dan Westerbrook for the GOPThe main reason I'm voting for Bush for president is leadership. George W. Bush has demonstrated leadership not only as president, but also previously as governor of Texas, and prior to that in business. This doesn't mean I agree with all the decisions he has made: I don't.

  For instance, I was not in favor of the attack on Iraq. I disapproved not because I believed Saddam Hussein was such a nice guy but rather because my experience in living in other cultures has taught me that it is very difficult, if not impossible, for foreigners to understand and change another country's culture. Mind you, at the time the decision was made to attack Iraq both President Bush and Senator Kerry supported the policy. Thus I don't find much difference between the two candidates on this issue, even if Kerry now says he would have done it differently. Isn't hindsight a wonderful thing!

  But leadership, you know, isn't about taking the easy route; it is about making the tough, sometimes unpopular decisions. President Bush has demonstrated that he can make tough decisions, and I personally like the fact that his faith, his values, are the foundation of his decisions.

  On the other side, I am concerned that Senator Kerry has never been the person in charge, the responsible leader. "Recommending" and making comments about "what I would do" are very different from deciding on a real course of action, while trying to cope with too much information or too little information or incorrect information -- and uncertainty as to which it is! Kerry's Senate voting record over the last 20 years demonstrates a certain tendency to flip-flop on major issues, and this I find troubling.

  Last weekend TheInternationalHeraldTribune ran an article about Kerry going duck hunting. He is obviously trying to gain the support of the gun lobby, but he doesn't want to offend the gun control groups. So he goes hunting, apparently kills some ducks, but never appears before cameras while carrying any of the birds he shot. When asked about the hunt, he changes the subject to baseball. I don't care whether he is for or against hunting; my point is that he should stand up for what he believes, no matter who agrees or disagrees. He should be a leader, not a chameleon.(Dan Westerbrook)





  [本文作者来恩-尔米特吉(Ryan Armitage)是一名20多岁的美国青年,现在北京一所高校任教。]






  [本文作者丹-维斯特布鲁克(Dan Westerbrook)是美国一跨国公司负责人,在北京已工作3年。]






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