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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/05 18:28  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

Life in the Sea!

  Have you ever thought of having a saltwater aquarium? Rearing marine fish is one of the most challenging hobbies of the modern man! To maintain a saltwater tank is not an easy task, so beginners should read up on this hobby as much as possible before they take the plunge.

  To set up a tank, you should first decide how big you want your tank to be. The bigger the tank, the easier it is to maintain the water quality. Tanks are usually made of glass or acrylic. You will also need to buy test kits to measure the chemical and mineral contents of the water. The main factors measured include the pH level, nitrate level, salinity and temperature. Ocean fish are much more sensitive to environmental changes than freshwater fish, so it really is important to maintain ideal water conditions. Another important aspect is lighting. Beginners can use fluorescent lighting as this is fairly straightforward. All that has been discussed so far should be prepared BEFORE you buy your fish!

  So what kinds of fish would be a good choice for the beginner? Basically, there are two kinds of aquariums: the fish-only tank and the reef tank. The fish-only tank is recommended for new hobbyists. You should read about fish compatibility and choose the ones that can live together. Fish such as damsels, mollies and clownfish are hardy sea creatures and are quite cheap to buy. Angelfish, Butterflyfish and sea horses are very delicate creatures and are much more difficult to rear. So never put an aggressive damsel and a delicate Angelfish together!

  Anyone who is thinking about having “life in the sea” at home has to research and understand the process of the nitrate cycle, doing a water change, buying the right filters, giving the right food, and adding minerals, to name but a few of the many requirements and skills. This is a time consuming hobby and requires the undivided attention of the owner. But your efforts will be worthwhile if you can learn to have a healthy aquarium!

  aquarium n.水族箱

  rear v.饲养

  marine adj.海的

  plunge n.投入

  acrylic adj.丙烯酸的

  kit n.成套工具

  nitrate n.硝酸盐

  salinity n.盐分

  sensitive adj.敏感的

  fluorescent adj.荧光的

  straightforward adj. 坦率的,简单的

  compatibility n.兼容性

  damsel n.雀鲷(一种鱼)

  molly n. 摩利鱼

  clownfish n. 小丑鱼

  aggressive adj.好斗的

  filter n.过滤器



  首先决定水族箱的大小。水族箱越大,就越容易维持水质。水族箱一般由玻璃或丙烯酸制成。你还需要一整套测量水中化学物质和矿物质含量的工具。需要测量的元素主要有:酸碱度、 硝酸盐含量、盐份和温度等。海鱼对环境的变化要比淡水鱼敏感得多,所以维持水质是十分重要的。另外一个重要因素是照明。新手可以用荧光照明,这是一种较为简单的方法。以上的一切准备工作应该在你买鱼之前完成。



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