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Unit 1 Making a difference
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/17 16:56  新浪教育


  Some things need to be believed to be seen. 有些事情需要相信是被见识过的。

  (1) need用作实意动词时,常见搭配有:need to do需要做某事,need sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事, need to be done =need doing某事需要做,用动名词主动形式表示被动意义。如:

  You didn't need to tell him the news. 你无需告诉他这一消息。

  My car needs repairing=My car needs to be repaired. 我的车需要修理。

  (2) believe sb. to do sth.意为“相信某人做某事”,不定式作宾语补足语。如:

  She is believed to have stolen the necklace.有人认为是她偷了项链。


  (1) need 用于一般疑问句,肯定回答时用must, 否定回答时用neednt 或dont have to。如:

  —Need we go now? 我们现在必须去吗?

  —Yes, you must. 是的,你们必须去。

  —No, you needn't/don't have to.不,你们不必去。

  (2) “needn't have +过去分词”结构表示“本不该做但已做了的事情”。

  You needn't have told her the news yesterday. 昨天你本不该告诉她这个消息。

  ① There was plenty of time. She ____ . (MET 1987)

  A. mustn't have hurriedB. couldn't have hurried

  C. must have hurriedD. needn't have hurried

  ② The library needs ____ , but it'll have to wait until Sunday. (MET 1991)

  A. cleaningB. be cleanedC. cleanD. being cleaned

  (Keys: ①D ②A )

  It takes a very unusual mind to undertake the analysis of the obvious. 分析明显存在的事物需要非凡的头脑。

  (1)“ It takes sb. time to do sth.”句型表示“某人花费时间做某事”,代词it是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。如:

  Just a minute, it won't take me long to change.


  (2)这里 mind用作名词,表示“有才智的人”。如:

  What do these great minds have in common? 这些伟大的人物有何共同点呢?

  (3) undertake (undertook; undertaken)是及物动词,意为“承担; 接受”、“保证; 断言(that)”、“同意 (做某事)”。如:

  I can't undertake that you will make a profit. 我不能担保你会获利。

  He undertook to be here at eight. 他答应八点钟到这里来。

  (4) analysis用作名词,意为“分析, 分解”,其复数形式是analyses,动词是analyze/analyse。如:

  Thanks for the analysis of the situations both at home and abroad. 谢谢你对国内外形势所做的分析。


  ①This new painkiller doesn't spend long to act on the pain.

  ②They have made up their mind to go camping the next week.

  ③I undertook teach the children English in my spare time.

  (Keys: ①spend→take ②mind→minds ③teach→to teach)

  There is no doubt that...毫无疑问……

  这里doubt用作名词,意为“怀疑, 疑惑, 疑问” 后接同位语从句。在否定句中从句用that引导,肯定句用whether引导。如:

  There is no doubt that he can do a good job of it.


  There is some doubt whether she can win the match.


  (1) doubt用作动词,表示“犹豫;怀疑;不确信”,后接名词、代词或宾语从句(肯定句中,doubt后接whether/if;否定句或疑问句中,后接that)。如:

  I doubt if/whether they will come on time. 我怀疑他们能否按时来。

  Do you doubt that he will succeed? 你怀疑他会成功吗?

  (2) 常见短语归纳:

  beyond doubt毫无疑问without doubt无疑;当然

  in doubt怀疑throw doubt on sth. 使人对某事产生怀疑


  ①The price has gone down, but I doubt that it will remain so.

  ② His ability to design the bridge is beyond doubts.

  ③Galileos experiments threw doubt about Aristotles theory of falling objects.

  (Keys: ①that→whether②doubts→doubt③about→on)

  Imagine this: you are twentyone years old and a promising graduate student at one of the top universities in the world. 假定这样:你21岁,是世界上顶尖大学中一名很有希望的毕业生。

  (1) promising 是形容词,意为“有希望的”、“会成功的”、“有前途的”。如:

  a promising youth有希望的青年promising crops长势很好的庄稼

  (2) graduate 这里用作名词,指“(大学)毕业生”、“研究生”。另外,用作动词,意为“毕业、获得学位”。如:

  a Harvard graduate哈佛大学毕业生

  When did you graduate from Cambridge University?


  (1) promise 用作动词,意为“允诺, 答应”,后接名词、代词、不定式、复合宾语或that从句。如:

  You must promise not to mention that. 你必须答应不提此事。

  She promised me to come at eight. 她答应我八点来。

  They promised us that they would come. 他们答应我们一定会来。

  (2) promise 用作动词,意为“有指望”、“预兆, 预示”。如:

  The clear sky promises fine weather. 晴朗的天空预示好天气。

  This year promises to be another good one for harvests.


  (3) promise 构成的短语:

  keep a/one's promise履行诺言。make a promise允诺

  break a/one's promise违背诺言;失信


  ① Once you ____ (许下诺言), you should carry it out.

  ② James is believed to be ____ (一位有前途的科学家).

  (Keys: ①make a promise ②a promising scientist)

  One day, your doctor tells you that you have an incurable disease and may not have more than twelve months to live. 有一天,你的医生告诉你你患了一种不治之症,可能活不过12个月。


  dis-: disabled残疾的disappointing令人失望的

  im-: impatient不耐烦的 impossible不可能的

  in-: incomplete不完整的independent独立的

  il-: illegal非法的

  ir-: irregular不规则的

  mis-: mistaken错误的misunderstanding误解

  un-: unwilling不情愿的unbelievable不可相信的

  -less: careless粗心的endless没有尽头的

  There did not seem much point in working on my PhD—I did not expect to survive that long. 取得博士学位对我来说没有什么意义,我没有期望活那么久。

  (1) There is no point in doing sth.表示“做某事没有作用或没有意义”。如:

  There's no point arguing about it.再争论下去没有用。

  (2) work on意为“继续工作”、“对……起作用”、“使人信服”、“从事于”等。如:

  We worked on until sunset. 我们一直工作到太阳下山。

  The medicine doesn't work on him at all. 这药对他根本不起作用。

  (3) PhD(Doctor of Philosophy) 博士学位Bachelor's degree 学士学位

  Master of Arts 文科硕士 Bachelor of Arts 文学士 Bachelor of Science理学士

  (4) survive用作不及物动词,意为“幸存”、“在……之后还活着”;用作及物动词,意为“比……活得长”、“经受得住”。如:

  The man was very ill, but he survived. 这个人病得很厉害,可是他活下来了。

  He survived his wife for many years. 他比妻子多活好多年。

  The house survived the storm. 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。

  (5) 本句中that用作程度副词时,表示强调,意为“那么”。this也有类似用法。如:

  I was that angry I could have hit him. 我十分生气, 简直想揍他。

  I’ve never been out this late before. 我从来没在外面待到这么晚。

  ①The house is to be pulled down in three months, so there is no ____ in painting it.

  A. worth B. value C. way D. point

  ②In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ____ .

  A. have survivedB. are to surviveC. would surviveD. will survive

  ③—Did you wash your new suit in hot water?

  —Of course not. I am not ____ foolish.

  A. veryB. thatC. very muchD. too

  (Keys: ①D ②B ③B)

  Yet two years had gone by and I was not that much worse. 但两年过去了,我的情况却没有那么糟糕。

  go by的意思是“(时间)过去”、“依照”、“顺便走访”。如:

  You can't go by what the children say. 你不能照孩子们说的去做。

  Three hours went by before we knew it. 不知不觉中三个小时过去了。

  You can't let an opportunity like that go by —it's too good to miss.


  In fact, things were going rather well for me and I had gotten engaged to a very nice girl, Jane Wilde. 事实上,事情发展得很顺利,我和一位非常好的女孩简·怀尔德订婚了。

  这里engage用作动词,意为“约束,约定”、“使订婚”,常用于be/get engaged to sb.短语,表示“与某人订婚”。如:

  Tom is engaged to Anne. 汤姆已与安妮订婚。

  When did you get engaged? 你是什么时候订的婚?

  (1) engage还可作“从事, 着手, 忙于”讲,用于be engaged (in) 短语,意为“忙于某事”。如:

  He is engaged just now. 他正有事。

  What are you engaged in these days? 这些天你在忙什么?

  (2) engage还可表示“引起(兴趣)”、“雇用”、“预定(房间、座位等)”。如:

  This seat is engaged. 此座已定出。

  We engage him as technical adviser. 我们聘请他担任技术顾问。

  His good nature engages everyone. 他善良的性情吸引每个人。


  ①The doctor she's engaged in is in his twenties.

  ②The line is engaged in. I can't get through.

  (Keys: ①in→to ② in—)

  Instead of giving up, Hawking went on with his research, got his PhD and married the girl. 霍金没有放弃,相反继续进行研究,获得博士学位并与那个女孩结婚了。

  (1) go on with sth.意为“继续某种行为”,后接名词、代词,但不接动名词。如:

  Go on with your work. 继续干你的工作。

  (2) instead是副词,单独使用;instead of是介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词或另一个介词短语(注意of后面的介词不能省略)。二者可互相转换,意思基本不变。如:

  Well have tea in the garden instead of in the house.=We won't have tea in the house.Well have tea in the garden instead.


  He didn't go to school. Instead he went to the cinema. = He went to the cinema instead of going to school. 他没去上学,相反他去了电影院。

  go on发生;进行;继续go on to do sth.继续做另一件事

  go on doing sth(休息、中断之后)继续做同一件事


  ①After reading the poem, ____ (她继续听音乐).

  ②After a short rest, ____ (他们继续谈话).

  ③Finally they decided to go to Dalian ____ (乘飞机而不是火车).

  (Keys: ①she went on to listen to music ②they went on talking ③by plane instead of by train)

  Nor did he let the disease stop him from living the kind of life he had always dreamed of. 疾病没有阻碍他过上他一直梦寐以求的那种生活。

  (1) nor did he let...是倒装句用法。表示前边一种否定情况也适合于后者,应用“neither/nor+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”结构。如:

  He isn't fond of fast food, nor am I. 他不喜欢快餐,我也一样。

  She can't get there at four, nor can I. 她不能在四点钟到那里, 我也不能。

  (2) dream of意为“梦见; 梦想”,后接名词、动名词。如:

  I never dreamed of meeting you here. 我绝对未想到在这里遇到你。

  Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也想不到如此圆满的成功。

  His dream of being a doctor has come true. 他当医生的愿望实现了。

  (1) “so + be动词/情态动词/助动词+主语”也是倒装句,但表示前边一种肯定情况也适合于后者。如:

  Jenny can speak English very well. So can Rose. 詹尼英语说得很好,罗斯也是这样。

  (2) “so +主语+ be动词/情态动词/助动词”句型则是强调句,表示“情况的确如此”,be 动词、情态动词或助动词应与前一句的谓语保持一致。如:

  —John is very good at English. 约翰很擅长英语。

  —So he is. 他的确如此。

  (3) “主语+ do/does/did + so”句型是陈述句,表示“照着要求做”。如:

  The teacher asked him to close the door. He did so.


  (4) “So it is with sb./It is the same with sb.”则表示前边两种以上情况也适合于后者,可以忽略其肯定或否定意思。如:

  Mr.Smith is an engineer and he works in a large company. So it is with Mr.White. 史密斯先生是位工程师,他在一家大型公司工作。怀特先生也一样。

  ①— Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?

  — I don't know, ____ . (MET 1991)

  A. nor don't I careB. nor do I care

  C. I don't care neitherD. neither don't I care

  ②—David has made great progress recently.

  — ____ , and ____ . (上海97)

  A. So he has; so you haveB. So he has; so have you

  C. So has he; so have youD. So has he; so you have

  (Keys: ①B ②B)

  Scientists, on the other hand, Hawking writes, know that their job is never finished and that even the best theory can turn out to be wrong. 霍金写到,从另一个方面上说,科学家们知道他们的工作永无止境,即使是最完美的理论也可能是错误的。

  (1) on the one hand常与on the other hand连用,表示“一方面……另一方面”。如:

  On the one hand I'd like a job which pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.一方面我希望找一份报酬高的工作,但另一方面,我又很喜欢目前正在做的工作。

  (2) turn out作“结果是;原来是”解时,后接不定式或从句等。如:

  The plan turned out (to be) a failure. 这项计划结果归于失败。

  It turns out that she had known him when they were children.



  take turns轮流in turn依次turn on打开

  turn off关掉turn into变成turn in上交

  turn over翻身;翻开turn against背叛turn to求助于;转向

  turn back 返回turn up调高(声音);到达;出现

  turn down调低(声音);拒绝(意见)


  ①I want to go to the party, but ____ (另一方面) I ought to be studying.

  ②the dictionary we bought yesterday ____ (结果是很有帮助).

  (Keys: ①on the other hand ②turned out to be very helpful)

  First they observe what they are interested in. 首先,他们观察感兴趣的事情。

  observe, watch, notice, see都是感观动词,都有“看”的意思,都可以接不带to的不定式或现在分词作复合宾语等,但含义各有侧重:

  (1) observe指借助于仪器、设备“仔细观察,观测”。如:

  She has observed the stars all her life. 她一辈子观测星星。

  (2) watch多指“聚精会神地观看(电视、比赛)”。如:

  Do you often watch television? 你常看电视吗?

  He was watching the crowd go by. 他注视着人群走过。

  (3) notice意为“无意识地注意到”。如:

  And you didn't notice anything unusual? 你觉察到什么异常的事没有?

  No one noticed the boy as he crept off.在他偷偷摸摸离船时谁也没有察觉。

  (4) see是普通用语,意为“看见”、“看到”,强调“看”的结果。如:

  I looked but saw nothing. 我看了,但是什么也没看到。

  用observe, watch, notice或see的适当形式填空:

  ①The man is being ____ by the police.

  ②Mary waved at the man,but he didn't seem to ____ .

  ③From the window we could ____ the children playing in the yard.

  ④The role of scientists is to ____ and describe the world, not to try to control it.

  (Keys: ①watched ②notice ③see ④observe)

  The couple used up all their money to seek their 15yearold son, who got lost six months ago. 这对夫妇花光他们所有的积蓄来寻找他们15岁的儿子,他是六个月前失踪的。

  (1) use up意为“用光”、“用完”,直接跟宾语。如:

  She used up the chicken bones to make soup.她把鸡骨头全用来熬汤了。

  Don't use up all the milk, we need some for breakfast.


  (2)“get +过去分词”是被动语态的一种形式,表示主语遭受某种伤害、损失等,或者没必要说明动作的发出者。如:

  Use the questions below to get started. 从下面这些问题开始。

  Unfortunately, they were late because they got caught in the traffic.


  make a difference意为“有影响,很重要”。如:

  Exercise can make a big difference to your state of health.


  It doesn't make any difference whether you come today or tomorrow.


  By asking why, how and what if, curious minds find new ideas and solutions. 通过问问为什么、怎么办以及假设这样,好奇的人们会发现新思想、新办法。

  (1) what if ... ?意为“如果……将会怎样?”、“假使……该怎么办?”,后接从句。如:

  What if it rains when we can't get under shelter?


  (2) 形容词curious这里作“好奇的;有求知欲的”讲,与about,to do连用;还表示“奇特的;奇怪的”。如:

  I'm curious to know what he said. 我很想知道他说了些什么。

  There was a curious silence. 有一种不寻常的沉寂。

  ①—I will not take an umbrella with me today.

  — ____ it rains later in the day?

  A. HowB. WhatC. How aboutD. What if

  ②Babies are ____ about everything around them.

  A. interestedB. curiousC. fondD. patient

  (Keys: ①D ②B)

  Galileo used his observations to show that Copernicus, another great astronomer, was right and that the earth moves around the sun, not the other way round. 伽利略利用自己的观察资料证实另一位伟大的天文学家哥白尼是正确的:地球绕着太阳转,而不是反过来。

  the other way round意为“相反地;从相反方向”。如:

  The numbers are the wrong way round — it should be 71, not 17.


  Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference. 只有通过发现我们最擅长做的事情,我们才有希望实现自己的目标,真正地有所作为。


  Only then did I take pity on him.只有到那时我才同情他。

  Only with hard work can you expect to get a pay rise.



  Only he can do the work well.只有他才能干好这份工作。

  ①Only by practicing a few hours every day ____ be able to waste.(上海1990)

  A. you canB. can youC. you willD. will you

  ②Only when the war was over ____ to his hometown.(上海2001春)

  A. did the young soldier returnB. the young soldier returned

  C. returned the young soldierD. the young soldier did return

  (Keys: ①D ②A)



  英语中动词不定式可以直接作主语。在现代英语中, 常用it作形式主语,把真正的主语即动词不定式放在后面。


  ▲ 直接接不定式作宾语的动词有:offer, promise, agree, refuse, manage, pretend等。

  ▲ 接“疑问词+不定式” 作宾语的动词有:decide, find out, forget, know, wonder等。

  ▲ forget, remember, try, mean, regret, stop等动词后既可接不定式,也可接动名词作宾语,但含义不同。


  不定式常用在系动词be, seem, appear, get, remain等后作表语,起解释说明作用。




  不定式作状语主要用来表示目的、结果和原因等。常用句型有:so as to, in order to, so...as to, too...to, enough to等。


  ● warn, ask , allow, permit, order, tell, advise, expect, persuade等动词可接带to的不定式作宾语补足语。

  ● have, make, let等使役动词和see, hear, listen to, look at ,watch, notice, observe 等感观动词可接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。这类动词用于被动语态时,不定式符号to不能省略。





  to be doing, to be done, to have done, to have been done, to have been doing等。


  在had better, would rather, can't help but, cannot but, Why not do...? prefer to do...rather than do..., would do... rather than do...等结构后省略不定式符号 “to” 。


  在特定的上下文里,为了避免重复,作谓语(have to, be able to, be going to, used to, be glad to, ought to等之后),宾语(hope, want, mean, intend, decide, would like等之后),或宾语补足语(tell, ask, warn, allow等之后)的不定式再次出现时,to后的内容常承前省略,只保留不定式符号 “to”。

  1.When and where to go for the onsalary holiday ____ yet. (上海2003春)

  A. are not decidedB. have not been decided

  C. is not being decidedD. has not been decided

  2.The mother didnt know ____ to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she was out. (上海2002)

  A. whoB. whenC. howD. what

  3.Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears ____ everything. (上海2001)

  A. to tellB. to be toldC. to be tellingD. to have been told

  4.It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ____ . (NMET 2002)

  A. it what to do withB. what to do it with

  C. what to do with itD. to do what with it

  5.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains ____ whether they will enjoy it. (NMET 2002)

  A. to seeB. to be seenC. seeingD. seen

  6.I'm going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything ____ ? (上海2004春)

  A. to be buyingB. to buyC. for buying D. bought

  7.In order to make our city green, ____ . (上海2002春)

  A. it is necessary to have planted more trees

  B. many more trees need to plant

  C. our city needs more trees

  D. we must plant more trees

  8.The patient was warned ____ oily food after the operation. (NMET 1996)

  A. to eat notB. eating notC. not to eatD. not eating

  9.Sandy could do nothing but ____ to his teacher that he was wrong.( 上海2000春)

  A. admitB. admittedC. admittingD. to admit

  10.—You should have thanked her before you left.

  —I meant ____ , but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere. (上海2000春)

  A. to doB. toC. doingD. doing so

  (Keys: 1—5 DADCB6—10 BDCAB)


  1.Don't be too ____ about things you are not supposed to know. (上海1998)

  A. strangeB. amusingC. curiousD. conscious

  【点拨】选C。be curious about对……感到好奇amusing有趣的


  2.Mother told Jim to ____ the milk until it boiled and then turn off the gas. (上海1999)

  A. observeB. watchC. noticeD. glance


  3.When climbing the hill John was knocked unconscious by an ____ rolling stone. (上海2001)

  A. untouchedB. unexpected

  C. unfamiliarD. unbelievable


  4.—How are the team playing?

  —Theyre playing well, but one of them ____ hurt. (NMET 2002春)

  A. got B. gets C. areD. were

  【点拨】选A。结合语境应用一般过去时;one of them 作主语,谓语用单数,get hurt表示“受伤”。

  5.Some passengers complain that it usually ____ so long to fill in travel insurance documents.(上海2003)

  A. costsB. takesC. spendsD. spares

  【点拨】选B。 这是It takes time to do sth.句型。cost的主语多为物品;spend多用于spend time/money on sth./(in ) doing sth句型;spare常用于spare sb. some time句型。


  Ⅰ. 单项选择

  1. ____ in the wild forest, you must learn to do everything on your own.

  A. SurviveB. SurvivingC. SurvivedD. To survive

  2.The young lady he is engaged ____ is engaged ____ designing a new museum for the city.

  A. to; toB. to; inC. in; inD. in; to

  3. ____ I can see what you mean, even though I don't share your point of view.

  A. In any wayB. By the wayC. In a wayD. In the way

  4. — The plane is due to take off at 7:50 from the airport.

  — ____ we fail to arrive there in time?

  —Try to take another flight then.

  A. What ifB. As ifC. Even ifD. Only if

  5.—I didn't mean ____ her.

  —But talking like that means ____ her.

  A. to hurt; to hurtB. hurting; hurting

  C. to hurt; hurtingD. hurting; to hurt

  6.Children are fed up with their studies because they are ____ to do far better than they can.

  A. hopedB. promisedC. expectedD. suggested

  7.— ____ you got in touch with Mr. Smith?

  —Through a friend of mine.

  A. It was how thatB. How was it

  C. How was it thatD. Was it how that

  8.—Does he know how to work out the problem?

  —Yes, he has ____ a good idea to solve it.

  A. caught up withB. kept up withC. come up withD. put up with

  9. Bill, often regarded as one of the best students in his class, ____ to be a student who cheated in the exam.

  A. came outB. turned outC. sent outD. let out

  10.— ____ are you trying to prove to the police?

  —Where I was last night.

  A. WhenB. WhyC. HowD. What


  A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary schools first teacherparent conference. To the little boys11, she said she would go. This would be the12time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he was embarrassed(难堪)by her13. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar(伤疤)that14nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy15wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

  At the conference, the people were16by the kindness and natural17of his mother despite the scar, 18the little boy was still embarrassed and19himself from everyone. He did, however, get within earshot of a20between his mother and his teacher, and heard them speaking.

  “21did you get the scar on your face?” the teacher asked.

  The mother replied, “When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire. Everyone was too22to go in because the fire was out of control, so I went in. 23I was running toward his bed, I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself24him trying to protect him. I was25unconscious but fortunately, a fireman came in and26both of us.” She touched the27side of her face. “This scar will be permanent, but to this day, I have never28doing what I did.”

  At this point, the little boy came out29towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He held her and felt a great30of the sacrifice(牺牲)that his mother had made for him. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.

  11. A.pleasureB.disappointmentC.happinessD.sorrow

  12. A.lastB.secondC.firstD.final

  13. A.mannerB.appearanceC.uglinessD.shyness

  14. A.coveredB.spreadC.hurtD.hid

  15. A.alwaysB.oftenC.neverD.still

  16. A.surprisedB.satisfiedC.movedD.impressed

  17. A.feelingB.honestyC.beautyD.bravery

  18. A.butB.soC.orD.and

  19. A.stoppedB.keptC.hidD.tore

  20. A.argumentB.questionC.discussionD.conversation

  21. A.HowB.WhenC.WhyD.Where

  22. A.anxiousB.afraidC.worriedD.cruel

  23. A.BeforeB.AsC.SinceD.After

  24. A.aboveB.towardsC.offD.over

  25. A.beatenB.knockedC.lostD.found

  26. A.helpedB.noticedC.protectedD.saved

  27. A.burnedB.cutC.darkenedD.recovered

  28. A.mindedB.caredC.rememberedD.regretted

  29. A.cryingB.runningC.pushingD.forcing

  30. A.senseB.waveC.favorD.benefit



  George and Carol were medical students at the same college and, like many other college students, they enjoyed playing jokes on people. Both of them smoked, but they knew that their professor was strongly against it, because smoking was dangerous to ones health. One day they decided to play joke on their professor.

  At one of their medical lectures there was always a skeleton(骨骼)in the room so that the professor could show the students different bones in the human body.

  That afternoon, Carol and George put a cigarette in the mouth of the skeleton that was to be used at the next lecture.

  When the professor came in, he began talking and then noticed the cigarette. He went up to the skeleton, took the cigarette out of its mouth and said, “You really should give them up, old boy, look what they are doing to you!”

  31. What do the professors words mean?

  A. Its only a joke to put a cigarette into a skeletons mouth.

  B. He would persuade the skeleton to give up smoking.

  C. Smoking is really dangerous, it may even cause death.

  D. Students should not learn from the skeleton to smoke

  32. Who did the professor really say these words to?

  A. To George and Carol only.

  B. To the skeleton which he called “old boy”.

  C. Only to himself.

  D. To all the students who attended this lecture.

  33. Which of the following is TRUE to the story?

  A. The professor got angry on seeing the skeleton smoking.

  B. The professor never let it pass to make his opinion known.

  C. The skeleton was played a joke on by George and Carol.

  D. George and Carol decided to give up smoking.

  34. The underlined word they in the passage means ____ .

  A. George and CarolB. the students

  C. the bonesD. cigarettes

  35. What do you think of the professor?

  A. Serious but funny.B. Honest but foolish.

  C. Kind and polite.D. Hard to get along with.


  “If you want to see a thing well, reach out and touch it!”

  That may seem a strange thing to say. But touching things can help you to see them better.

  Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round. But by holding it in your hands, you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is. You can feel how heavy the glass is. When you feel all these about the ball, you really see it. With your skin, you can feel better. For example, your fingers can tell the difference between two coins in your pocket. You can feel a little drop of water on the back of your hand, too. You can even feel sounds against your skin. Have you ever wanted to know why some people like very loud music? They must like to feel the sounds of music.

  All children soon learn what “Dont touch!” means. They hear it often. Yet most of us keep on touching things as we grow up. In shops, we touch things we might buy: food, clothes. To see something well, we have to touch it. The bottoms of our feet can feel things, too. You know this when you walk on warm sand, cool grass or a hard floor. All feel different under your feet.

  There are ways of learning to see well by feeling. One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin. Feel the shoes on your feet, the clothes on your body, the air on your skin. At first, it is not easy to feel these things. You are too used to them!

  Most museums are just for looking. But today some museums have some things to touch. Their signs say, “Do touch!” There you can feel everything on show.

  If you want to see better, reach out and touch. Then you will really see!

  36. By touching things ____ .

  A. you will have a strange feeling

  B. you will learn how to reach out your hand

  C. you can learn more about them

  D. you can tell what colors they really are

  37. Which of the following can be the best title of the story?

  A. Touching by FeelingB. To See or to Feel

  C. To See Better—FeelD. Ways of Feeling

  38. Which of the following parts can tell you the difference between two coins in your pocket?

  A. Your fingers.B. Your eyes.C. Your skin.D. Your back.

  39. What can't your skin feel?

  A. Sounds.B. Darkness.C. Water.D. Coins.

  40. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. Touching is helping us to see better.

  B. Our skins may help us enjoy music.

  C. People don't have to learn to feel.

  D. Visitors can't feel the things on show in any museums.

  IV. 短文改错

  Life is made up from success and failure. No one 41 ____ .

  is always successful and also no one is always a failure.42 ____ .

  So it doesn't make much different whether you43 ____ .

  are successful or not. The most important things44 ____ .

  is simply what you did before your success or45 ____ .

  failure. If you lose your heart when you fail, or show46 ____ .

  arrogance(傲慢) when you success, you will47 ____ .

  never be successful. Instead of, you should face it48 ____ .

  brave and keep up with your courage when you49 ____ .

  fail, then your failure can changed into a success.50 ____ .

  V. 书面表达

  寒假将至,班主任要为每位同学写《学生学习情况报告书》,向家长汇报学生在校的情况。英国女留学生Mary Smith在你们班学习将近一个学期了,假如你是班长,请你根据以下各位老师对她的评价,为班主任张华老师代笔,用英语写一份《学生学习情况报告书》,介绍玛丽在校的表现,以便寄给她远在英国的父母。

  班 主 任:性格开朗,有礼貌,与师生相处融洽;同学们希望能邀请她到自己家里过“春节”








  Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

  I'm so glad to tell you something about...

  Yours Truly,

  Zhang Hua



  1. Have you heard of Steven Hawking?


  2. Which university did the famous scientist graduate from?


  3. By the way, who won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2003?


  4. What does NASA stand for, do you know?


  5. The Spirit made a successful landing on the Mars. It is really exciting news.


  6. Who is your favourite scientist? Why?


  7. What do great scientists have in common?


  8. Personally, science and technology play an important role in humans progress.


  9. What about visiting the Science Museum this weekend?


  10. Well, this sounds very practical but it needs to be tried out.


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