痛定思痛痛从何来(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/19 14:58 北京青年报 |
民主党驴处于极端尴尬的境地 Four months ago most Democrats in the US thought they had an excellent case against President George W. Bush. Their task was to make that case before the American public and at the same time persuade them that Senator John Kerry was the man to take Bush's place in the White House. Few Democrats thought Kerry was the ideal candidate, but hopes were raised by his superior performance in the presidential debates. Contributions from individuals poured into Kerry's coffers. In the final weeks of the campaign a wave of volunteers, mostly young, set out from Democratic strongholds to talk to wavering voters in key battleground states. By late October optimism was high in the Democratic camp. November 3 therefore came as a terrific shock: Democratic losses not only in the presidential race but also in the House and Senate. What happened? And what does it all mean? How can the party compete in the future? These are the questions the Democrats have been pondering in the wake of the Republican sweep. It is no exaggeration to say that anger and depression have been widespread in New York, Boston, DC, San Francisco and LA. Amid the storm of analysis and accusation, there is still no consensus as to what went wrong. Is the Democratic Party likely to win elections by echoing people who despise and even hate conservatives? Clearly Deering thinks Democrats are likely to wind up regretting any such tactic.(美:WD White) |
老外直言:痛定思痛 痛从何来(图) |
四个月前,美国大多数民主党人都认为,他们拥有了击败总统布什的充分而有利的论据,他们要做的就是把这些论据摆在美国公众面前,同时使人们相信,参议员克里就是取代布什入主白宫的最佳人选。民主党人中很少有人相信克里是理想的候选人,但他在与布什的几次公开电视辩论中的出色表现使人们的希望大增,来自个人的政治捐款涌入了克里的竞选账户。在竞选活动的最后几周,大批志愿者(其中大多为年轻人)从民主党的大本营出发,来到那些对选举起关键作用的州向摇摆不定的选民们做劝说工作。到10月底,民主党阵营已是一派高涨的乐观情绪。 因此,11月3日的大选结果令民主党人极为震惊:民主党不仅输掉了总统竞选,而且在参众两院的选举中也败给了共和党。这到底是怎么回事?这一切都意味着什么?民主党今后怎么和共和党竞争?这就是共和党大获全胜后民主党人一直在思索的问题。毫不夸张地说,纽约、波士顿、华盛顿特区、旧金山和洛杉矶,愤怒和沮丧的情绪已经蔓延开来。在暴风雨般的分析和指责声中,对于问题究竟出在哪儿,民主党人并未达成一致。 漫画家约翰-迪尔岭在政治上是中间人士,他虽然为克林顿的家乡、美国中南部的阿肯色州(今年该州更倾向于布什)的一家报纸画漫画,可作品被美国东西海岸的新闻媒体广泛转载。在今天的漫画中,他让我们看到的民主党驴处于极端尴尬的境地:她正和一个不适当的人同床共枕。画中显示的是醉酒之夜过后的上午9点,不知怎的,这头不大聪明的驴被人说动,来了一次愚蠢的幽会,和谁呢?……迈克尔-摩尔。 不修边幅出了名的摩尔(他胡子拉茬,大腹便便,一身工人装束,头戴棒球帽)就是不久前发行的纪录片《华氏9-11》的制片人,该片批评了布什家族,在今年夏天曾轰动一时。但是摩尔呢,正如人们能从他的体态所能猜想到的,是个不知道适可而止的人。在对布什进行了一些合理批评后,摩尔情不自禁将电影推向了更为极端的地步,影片中的语气不仅是批评,而且是公然的羞辱了。 民主党能靠附和这些蔑视甚至仇视保守派的人赢得选举吗?显然,迪尔岭认为,到头来民主党人很可能会为这样的策略而后悔不已。 |