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Preserving Tradition保留传统
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/22 17:05  thats China

Naxi musicians come together to keep the group's traditions alive

  Making Music

  Traditionally, Naxi songs survived by being passed from generation to generation - they were never written on paper. During the cultural revolution, prominent members of the Naxi tribe - community leaders, scholars, musicians and artists - were imprisoned in labor camps or banished to remote parts of China. Their disappearance meant that Naxi traditions were in danger of being lost for good.

  When Naxi-Tibetan scholar and musician Xuan Ke was released from prison in 1978 after 21 years, he found the cultural scene in China devastated. After returning to his hometown in Lijiang, Xuan bonded with other surviving musicians and the group started to play together. In 1981, Xuan officially gathered the old maestros to form the Association of Dayan Naxi Ancient Music.

  Still going strong with new members today, the group is intent on preserving more than 800 years of Naxi musical history. They play authentic compositions passed down from their ancestors, recreating long-lost melodies . One ancient musical piece, "Baishaxiyue," dates back to the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368). The troupe performs nightly at the Naxi Concert Hall in Lijiang. The top of the stage is lined with memorial photos of musicians who have passed away.

  While some of the musical instruments are typical for classical music, others have been specially adapted for Naxi use. An antique pipa was said to have been given to the Naxi by a musical virtuoso disguised as a ragged beggar in the early Qing Dynasty (1616-1911). Even older is a bowl bell, which dates back about 600 years. Other instruments include such Chinese pieces as a zither, a lute, an erhu, a dihu (which produces a deep low sound like a cello), several 10-cloud gongs more than 200 years old and a bamboo huqin (a stringed instrument similar to an erhu) with a human-like face.

  The troupe has performed all over China and overseas. Award-winning composer Tan Dun visited the troupe to get inspiration for his soundtrack of the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." Famous cellist Yo-Yo Ma has also sought the unique tunes of the Naxi people to expand his compositions.

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