布什和布莱尔被列为语言污染大王 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/23 17:52 北京娱乐信报 |
Bush and blair Are Mangling English Bush and blair Are Mangling English The English language is being destroyed by a ″deadly virus of management speak″ which has infected the mouths and minds of politicians like Tony Blair and George W. Bush, a leading UK journalist said recently. The British Prime Minister and his ally the U.S. President are mangling the language, destroying its meaning by avoiding the use of verbs, twisting nouns into verbs, and endlessly repeating phrases until they become ″zombified.″ ″It's deeply depressing,″ says John Humphrys, one of Britain's leading political journalists and the author of a new book, ″Lost for Words,″. Humphrys picks on Bush -- who once famously used the word ″misunderestimate″--and pokes fun at him as someone who ″often speaks as though English were his second language.″ Blair,too,is singled out as a king of language corruption. (Agencies) |
布什和布莱尔被列为语言污染大王 |
最近,一位英国资深记者说,英语正在遭到一种“官腔语言的致命病毒”的侵害,这种病毒已经感染了许多政治家的谈吐和思想,其中包括托尼-布莱尔和乔治-布什。 英国首相布莱尔和他的盟友、美国总统布什都在“乱炖”英语,他们避免使用动词,将名词和动词混为一谈,还没完没了地重复某些词组,直到它们变得“僵尸化”。 约翰-汉弗莱斯说:“这让人非常郁闷。”他是英国资深政治新闻记者之一,也是新书《失言》的作者。 汉弗莱斯以曾因“错误地低估”一词而出名的布什为例,嘲笑他是“似乎以英语为第二语言讲话”的人。 布莱尔也被(汉弗莱斯)列为“污染语言大王”。 |