威廉王子展现魅力(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/23 17:59 北京娱乐信报 |
Prince William ″We're a very close family,″William said. ″There are disagreements, obviously, as all families do, and when there are, there are big disagreements. But when there's happy times, we have a really good time. It's just difficult getting all three of us in the same house at one time.″ |
英国皇储威廉王子展现个人魅力(图) |
在上周六的记者见面会上,英国王室皇储威廉王子对父亲和弟弟的爱护,再次向世人展现了他的魅力。他说,他们是一个非常亲密的家庭,有时也会有每个家庭都会出现的争吵,但这却使家庭的关系更为亲密。 |