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高一英语课外辅导:How to read textbooks
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/26 15:53  英语辅导报


  Key Point

  Use the SQR3 method of reading to be active and effective reader.

  The SQR3 Method of Reading

  The most widely used reading strategy ever developed is the SQR3 method—Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review.


  Read the introduction to the chapter. Look over the major section headings. Glance at the figures. Skim(浏览) questions, key words and summaries at the end of the chapter. Create a context for remembering. Generate interest and a sense of what is important.

  Now plan your study session. Set a time limit for working. Include breaks and rewards.


  Create and answer questions. For each section in the chapter, ask these four basic questions:

  ·What is the main point?

  ·What evidence supports the main point?

  ·What are the examples?

  ·How is this related to the rest of the chapter, the book, the world or to me?

  Other questions can focus on comparing, contrasting and evaluating ideas, predicting future ideas and developing problem-solving strategies (策略).


  Skim or read the section actively. Search for the answers to your questions. Make notes in the margins (页边的空白) to create your own organization. Start an outline on scratch paper.


  Look up from the book and verbalize (用言辞表达) the answers to your questions. Talk out loud and listen to the answers. Recite to strengthen connections and to improve memory.


  Now go back and review the main point in the section. Add more notes to your outline and margin. Repeat the SQR3 method for each section in the chapter. When finished, create a one-page hierarchical (分等级的) summary of the entire chapter.

  How to mark the book.

  Highlight the text and write in the margin to answer your questions. For each main point, identify evidence, examples, steps, proofs, connections to other points, definitions and your own thoughts. The book holds the information. Your marks create organization. Do more writing than highlighting.

  Reading for specific courses.

  Different textbooks require different strategies. Here are some general guidelines:

  Information intensive books like biology.

  Organize information hierarchically. Create flash cards, construct information maps.

  Stories and novels and other books without headings.

  Read the first sentence in each paragraph and skim for key words and the main idea. Develop your own headings, then ask questions. Write out answers, paraphrase(解释) key points, add your own comments.

  (文/孙激涛; 英语辅导报高一版 04~05学年度第10期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)

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