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意大利野猪繁殖失控 居民深受其害
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/11/30 12:34  国际在线



  Italy is waking up to a plague of wild boar, with the once-rare creatures causing road accidents, destroying crops and even rooting around in built-up areas.







  Italy is waking up to a plague of wild boar, with the once-rare creatures causing road accidents, destroying crops and even rooting around in built-up areas.

  The death of two young women in a car accident caused by one of the charging beasts highlighted the problems created by the wild boar, which was close to extinction a century ago but is now seen as a threat to traffic and farming.

  The Italian national farmers' association, Coldiretti, has described the wild boar population as spiralling out of hand, with the animals "spreading panic" and causing damage estimated at ?50 million last year.

  Aided by their protective, hairy exterior, the powerfully built and sometimes aggressive animals, which can weigh as much as 28 stone, can penetrate even the thickest brush.

  The worst-hit crops are grapes and maize in Piedmont; cereals in the Veneto, Friuli and Le Marche regions; hazelnut plantations near Viterbo, north of Rome; flower nurseries on the Riviera; and Christmas tree nurseries and other activities in Tuscany.

  According to the farmers' association, "nothing seems to be spared" during their rampages, and there have also been "numerous cases of wild boar pushing into built-up areas, crossing roads and causing serious accidents".

  Wild boar were reintroduced throughout Italy in the 1950s for the purposes of hunting, an activity which had brought indigenous varieties to the verge of extinction in the early 20th century.

  The new species was much bigger than the original Mediterranean wild boar, however. In the absence of its natural predators, the wolf and the lynx, it has become seriously prolific.

  Attempts by different regions to ease local hunting rules, mainly by extending the season for wild boar, have failed to check the animals' soaring population.

  Meanwhile, as the numbers of wild boar continue to rise, Italy's registered hunters are fast declining. To shoot boar, groups of about 25 hunters must be organised.

  In addition to conventional methods to keep the boar at bay, such as traps, fences and cages, farmers are now resorting to novel means.

  A young winemaker near Alessandria, in Piedmont, had taken to blasting out rock music in his vineyards at night to protect his grapes.

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