美国中情局前局长警告网络恐怖威胁 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/07 12:41 国际在线 |
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近日在美国休斯敦瑞斯大学举办的一次防止网络恐怖主义研讨会上,美国中央情报局前局长罗伯特·盖茨表示,网络恐怖主义可能成为最具有破坏力的大规模杀伤性武器,并导致美国经济崩溃。 据美联社12月5日报道,这位中央情报局前局长提醒人们说:“一个远在菲律宾的少年黑客都可以通过制造病毒,一夜之间给美国经济造成100亿美元的损失。试想一下,如果有人拥有足够的财力支持,使用一套设计复杂、功能强大的病毒程序攻击美国经济赖以生存的网络系统,那么将会给经济带来多大的损失?” 盖茨表示,早在2000年以前,美国就成了容易遭受网络黑客攻击的目标。中央情报局和国家安全总署曾在6年前举行过一次演习,请50位电脑专家测试,要让美国的网络瘫痪难度能有多大。结果,他们只用两天时间就做到了这一点。而在去年,仅仅是由于俄亥俄州农村地区的一棵大树倒下砸断电线,就带来了严重的后果——从美国东北部底特律到纽约等许多城市断电。像这种情况,足以给美国经济带来麻烦。(程庆华) Cyberterrorism could be the most devastating weapon of mass destruction yet and could cripple the U.S. economy, former CIA Director Robert Gates said at a terrorism conference Saturday. Gates, who became Texas A&M University's president in 2002 about a decade after he left the CIA, cited as an example the "love bug" virus that overwhelmed computer systems around the world in 2000. "When a teenage hacker in the Philippines overnight can wreak $10 billion in damage to the U.S. economy by implanting a virus, imagine what a sophisticated, well-funded effort to attack the computer base of our economy could accomplish," said Gates, addressing the two-day conference at Rice University. Even before 2000, the United States seemed an easy cyberterrorism target, Gates said. |