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中考真题透视 Passage26-30
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 08:58  新浪教育


  While traveling in Russia, Ed Jackson ran short of money. So he wrote (1)t_____ his brother asking for $500. “Send the (2)m_______ by telegram to the bank here,” he wrote. After a week Ed began (3)v_______ the bank. He (4)s______ his passport to the bank clerk. “Nothing has come for you, Mr Jackson,” he was told.

  This went (5)o______ for three weeks, and Mr Jackson got very (6)w_______. He then phoned his brother, asking (7)w______ the money was. The brother said it had been sent three weeks (8)b______. That evening Ed Jackson was arrested for failing to (9)p_______ his hotel bill. He tried to tell the police what his problem was, but no one would believe him .At last he was (10)s______ to the police station for fifteen days.


  这是一道根据所给的首字母填词的试题,文章叙述的是在俄罗斯旅游的Ed Jackson 遇到的一件很尴尬又无奈的事情。

  1. to, 这是一个固定短语write to(给某人写信)。

  2. money, 根据第一句话中的“Ed Jackson ran short of money.”可知此处应该填入money才对。

  3. visiting, 当Ed Jackson 写信一周后,他就会到银行去等待他哥哥的汇款了。因此他每天会到银行去的,以v开头的单词只有visit 了。而且表示”开始做某事”应用begin doing something。

  4. showed, show something to somebody 的意思是“给某人出示某物”。

  5. on, 根据文章的意思,Ed Jackson去银行的事情是持续了几个星期的。这里用go on 表示动作的持续。

  6. worried, 由于汇款迟迟不来,Ed Jackson肯定会着急的。

  7. where, 以字母w开头的疑问词,在这里填入where 是最佳的,根据上下文也是这个意思。

  8. before, 这句话是过去完成时,应该用before表示”以前”的含义。

  9.pay, pay bill的意思是“付款,付账”。

  10.sent, 这里肯定是将Ed Jackson 送到警察局去的。


  Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and (1)u______ each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine you will hold a (2)m______ at four o'clock, what time should you (3)e______ your foreign business friends to come? If they are German, they will (4)a_______ on time. If they are American, they'll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, they'll be fifteen minutes late.

  The British seemed to think since the English (5)l________ was widely used in the world, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they (6)f________ they were completely wrong. For (7)e_______, the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese (8)p_______ not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and get to know (9)e______ other, and they don't drink at lunch. The Germans like to talk business (10)b_______ dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.



  1.understand, 下面的文章就是帮助大家了解不同国家的人们的会谈方式的,因此这里用know和understand来加以强调。

  2.meeting, hold a meeting 是”开会”的意思。可以直接判断出来。

  3.expect, 根据文章的意思,如果在四点钟开会,作为你来讲,你肯定会有你自己的时间安排,你也会希望别人在你所要求的时间到会。

  4.arrive, 以字母a 开头表示“到达”含义的词就是arrive 了。

  5.language, 目前在世界广泛应用的就是英语这门语言了。

  6.found, 根据下文可以发现英国人与其他国家的人在某些方面是有区别的。

  7.example, for example表示”例如”。

  8.prefer, prefer to do something的意思是“宁愿去做某事”,这里只是一个否定形式。

  9.each, each other 表示”互相”。

  10.before, 时间介词以字母b开头的只是before 了。


  A storm dropped heavy rains on central and southern parts of China.

  The radio says that (1)______ the Xiangjiang River in Hunan, floods caused by terrible (2)______ in the past weeks killed 25 people and 13others were missing.

  The Chinese Government warned some parts in Yunnan and the city of Chongqing of possible heavy rains over the (3)_______ days.

  In Changsha water levels rose to 38 meters early Monday morning, about 3 meters (4)_______ the danger line.

  In Guangdong, at (5)________ 21 people have been killed, while three were (6)_______ hurt and seven went missing (7)_______ heavy floods hit northern parts by Saturday.

  The cities of Shaoguan, Meizhoou and Heyuan (8)_______ hardest hit and many people were left homeless.

  About 620 million yuan has been lost in the floods. Guangdong has sent something (9)________ to Meizhou, Heyuan and Shaoguan to help the people who had lost homes build their (10)________ again.



  1.along, 这里所指的降雨带是在沿湖南湘江一带,所以用along比较合理。

  2.rains, 根据下一段可知答案。

  3.next或following或coming, 中国政府提出当心在云南和重庆会出现的降雨,这里一定是将来的情况。

  4.above, 水位在警戒线以上应该用介词above。

  5.least, 在洪水中丧生的人数只是一个大约数字,所以这里用at least 表示”最少”来形容这一情况。

  6.badly或seriously, 这里所说的是三人受重伤。

  7.after, 只有在洪水到来后才会有人员失踪。

  8.were, 这是一般过去时的被动语态。

  9.useful或helpful, 调运到灾区的都是有用的物资。

  10.homes, 调运到灾区的物资是帮助灾民重建家园的 。


  Dear Editor,

  I used to be a doctor in the children's department of a local (1)_____. Sometimes I treated children (2)______ have been poisoned by medicine for older family members. The children can easily (3)______ the bottle that we now use in China.

  Some days ago I talked about medicine (4)______ an American. He showed (5)_______ a plastic pill bottle that is “Childproof(防儿童的)”. The design was (6)_______ simple that I'm sure our Chinese factories could produce these (7)______ easily. The top of the bottle locks, but can be (8)______ by pressing down on it while turning. This is (9)______ for most young children to do, (10)_______ adults can open them without any difficulty.

  I'm certain that the expense of making such tops would be very low. As a doctor, I'd love to see this done. And most parents would be grateful.

  A reader



  1.hospital, 医生应该在医院工作。

  2.who/that, 这是一句定语从句,关系代词that或who在这里替代表示人的词语。

  3.open, 孩子们引起药物中毒的原因之一就是自己打开药瓶而误服药。

  4.with, 这是一个固定短语,talk with 表示“与……交谈”。

  5.me, 我们已经知道这里是作者与另一美国人交谈,所以美国人拿出药瓶一定是给”我”看的。

  6.so, 这是一个固定用法, so…that…表示“如此……以致于……”。

  7.bottles, 当时谈论的是药瓶的事情,所以他们认为中国的工厂能生产的是这种防儿童的药瓶。

  8.opened, 这里是被动语态,因为药瓶是要被打开的。

  9.hard/difficult, 由于这种药瓶不易被打开,所以对孩子们来说是件很难做到的事情。

  10.though/although/but, 这里是一个表示转折含义的句子,孩子们不易将这种药瓶打开,然而成年人便可以。



  sorry, good, live, look, friend, cat, dead, outside, dangerous, but

  Alice likes cats (1)_______ than any other animals. Although she is still young, she has experience of (2)_____ after cats.

  When she was a child, she (3)_____ with her grandparents. At that time, her grandparents already had an old cat, about 11 years old, (4)______ she was only 4 years old. It was a good friend for her in her childhood. It was very (5)______ to her and never hurt her. One day, however, it left home and never came back again. It must be (6)______. She was so sad that she was (7)______ for it for a long time.

  Now Alice has four (8)______. She takes god care of them and makes them live comfortably. But she is afraid to take her cats out of the house. She says it is too (9)______ for animals to go (10)______ because she thinks that they may be hurt.


  这是一篇说明文,文章主要介绍了Alice 从小喜欢猫以及她现在养猫的情况。

  1.better, 根据文章的意思可知Alice 最喜欢的动物是猫。这句话还是一句比较级,因此应该将good 改为better。

  2.looking, 介词后用动名词做表语,look after表示”照看,照顾”。

  3.lived, 从句意上可以直接看出Alice是和她的grandparents住在一起的。

  4.but, 前后的年龄在此形成对比,因此应用表示转折含义的but。

  5.friendly, 根据上下句可知,the cat和Alice之间是非常友好的,所以这里使用了friend的形容词形式friendly来表示这一态度。

  6.dead, 根据上句“it left home and never came back again”推断出the cat 可能是死了。

  7.sorry, 由于the cat的死使Alice感到很难过。

  8.cats, 根据下文可知答案。

  9.dangerous, Alice 不把猫带出去是因为外面太危险,Alice担心出事。

  10.outside, 根据下句“they may be hurt”可知Alice不想让她的猫出去。

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