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http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/08 16:02  点点英语

  After months of speculation about what Amazon.com would

  do with its mysterious search-engine company, A9, Web

  surfers finally got their first taste on Apr. 14.

  Yet despite of some intriguing new features not yet found          1.

  on leading sites such as Google and Yahoo! , the site

  (www.a9.com) -- still in test mode -- rises as many questions      2.

  as it answers.

  The biggest question remains is whether Amazon,                    3.

  through A9, would clash into Google more directly.                 4.

  Google itself is testing a search engine for products

  called Froogle that's starting to appeal Web shoppers.             5.

  At the same time, Amazon clearly isn't looking to limit A9's horizons.

  How directly A9 eventually goes up against the reigned             6.

  search champion, it faced lots of challenges. For one,             7.

  it may run into some of the same privacy issues that

  recently have plagued Google. A9's privacy policy points

  out that information provided through entering search term         8.

  or by signing into one's Amazon account could supply the company

  with information that could personally identify the searcher.

  Those may be somewhat less intrusive(打扰的,冒犯的) than          9.

  Google's upcoming Gmail free e-mail offering, which could search

  the contents of messages to pitch personalized ads. But comments

  posted on some sites already indicate some people are

  uncomfortable with Google's potential threats to privacy.         10.


  1.of去掉,despite sth;

  2. rises 改raise (提出,引起问题) ;

  3. question后加that;

  4. into 改with , clash with 与…冲突;

  5. appeal 后面加to, appeal to 吸引;

  6. reigned 改reigning;此处是指占搜索引擎统治地位的Google, 不能用被动;

  7. faced 改 faces;

  8. term 改 terms 条款;

  9. Those 改That , 这里that指上句话的意思,不用复数指代;

  10. Google改为A9, 逻辑上的错误。




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