Not For-get, But For-give | 2004/12/20 18:20 戴尔英语 |
我的Cell phone开机屏保从这个世纪初后的四年多来始终是同样的一行字: ‘Not For-get, But For-give.’ 它代表的是一种做人的原则,就此本人总结了一小篇文字,如果你也是在感情交往中的年轻人,为了你的他或她,建议你通读一下: Men and women form the human society. Both of the two kinds are the creatures of wisdom. They engaged, get married, but many of them divorced when relationships become too difficult. Either half of one couple takes it for granted that their spouse has the same needs and desires. As a result, they don't instinctively know how to support each other. Men give in the relationships what men want, while women give men what women want. Eventually, they both end up with dissatisfaction. Men and women each have six unique needs. They are different but all equally important. Men primarily need trust, acceptance, appreciation, admiration, approval and encouragement. Women primarily need caring, understanding, respect, devotion, loyalism and reassurance. Without an awareness of what is important for the opposite sex, men and women don't realize how much they may be hurting their partners or depriving them of what they deserve. Relationships become easier when we understand our partners' primary needs. Without giving more but by giving what is required, we don't burn out, we work things out. To get everlasting love, you need to learn how to give the love. ‘不求索取,但求给予’ 也许我的想法过于守旧和传统,但生活就是这样,返璞归真才是它的真谛。另外,‘Not For-get,But For-give’ 还有一种解释和读法:Not forget, but forgive. 如果你的partner真的犯了错误,你不必去忘记,试着去原谅他(她)吧! |