新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 黑马英语中考专项训练 > Section VII 广告图表篇

Section VII 广告图表篇
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/22 14:16  新浪教育

  Passage 63

  Suppose you work in a big company and find English very important for your job. Now you are looking for a place where you can improve your English, especially your spoken English.

  Here are some advertisements about English language training from newspapers. You may find the information you need.

  Global English Center

  ◆General English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

  ◆3-month (700yuan), 6-month(1,200yuan)and one-year(2,000yuan)

  ◆Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.— Fri.

  ◆Experienced (有经验的) college English teachers

  ◆Close to city center and bus stops

  Tel: 67605272

  Add: 105Zhongshan Road, 100082

  Modern Language School

  ◆Special course (课程) in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management.

  ◆Small classes(12-16 students)on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00-5:00p.m.

  ◆English teachers from Canada and USA

  ◆Language lab and computers supplied (提供)

  ◆3-month course: 1,050yuan; 6-month course: 1,850yuan

  Write or phone: Modern Language School, 675Park Road, 100056 Tel: 67353019

  The 21st Century English Training Center

  ◆We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.

  ◆We also have a six-week TOEFL (托福) preparation class during winter and summer holidays.

  ◆Entrance exams: June 1and Dec. 1

  ◆Only 15-minute walk from city center

  Call 67801642 for more information.

  The International House of English

  ◆Three /Six-month English courses for students at very low cost: 60yuan for 12hours per week; convenient(方便的)class hours: 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-5:00p.m.

  ◆A four-month evening program for developing speaking skills(same cost as day classes).

  ◆Best foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second foreign language.

  ◆Free sightseeing and social activities(活动).

  ◆Very close to the Central Park.

  For further information call 67432308.

  1.You work from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. every day. You should choose _______.

  A. Global English Center and the International House.

  B. Global English Center and Modern Language School.

  C. Modern Language School and the 21st Century.

  D. The 21st Century and the International House.

  2.The 21st Century is different from the other three schools in that _____.

  A.its teaching quality is better

  B. it is nearest to the city center

  C. its courses are more advanced

  D. it requires an entrance examination

  3. If you take the evening program at the International House, you will pay about _____.

  A. 60 yuan B. 240 yuan C. 720 yuan D. 1,000 yuan

  4. You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it _____.

  A. offers free sightseeing and social activities

  B. has a special course in spoken English

  C. costs less than the other schools

  D. has foreign English teachers

  Passage 64


  (1) HOUSE FOR SALE. Comfortable family home with a large garden on north side of town. Three bedrooms, living-room, kitchens, dining-room, bathroom. Offers over $35,000

  (2) ASSISTANT WANTED FOR BUSY RESTAURANT.Some evening and weekend work. All meals free.Ring 3320178

  (3) JOIN OUR FOOTBALL TEAM. Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9—13 Meets in Green Park on Friday at 3 p.m.

  (4) ROOM TO RENT(出租).Small room to rent in city center flat(公寓)above restaurant. Newly painted with modern furniture. Near main railway station. Buses pass front door. Phone 3322108

  Mr. Brown wants to live near his workplace. Mrs. Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. The Browns’ children don't care what the house is like as long as the garden is big enough. Ann, their daughter has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks it is an exciting place. It's hard work but she isn’t lazy. You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays, but you get other days off. It’s not very well paid. But who cares about money?

  Tom is a middle school student.He is twelve years old.He stops school at half past three,so he has plenty of time to finish his homework.

  Jack, Mr. Brown's brother, is looking for a room to rent. He doesn't care what color the walls are or how old the furniture is. He is getting ready for his drawing. So the house must be quiet.

  1.Why didn't the Browns buy the house in Advertisement One?

  A. It was on the north side of town. B. There weren’t enough bedrooms.

  C. There was no dining room. D. The garden was too big.

  2.Why does Ann want to get the job in the restaurant?

  A. It’s an easy job. B. The place is good and the food is free.

  C. She thinks it will be interesting. D. She can get long holidays.

  3.Why can't Tom play for the new football team ?

  A. He's not old enough. B. It’s in a different village.

  C. School stops too late. D. He has to do his homework.

  4.What's wrong with the room for Jack in Advertisement Four?

  A. It's too small. B. The walls are the wrong color.

  C. The man likes old furniture better. D. It's too noisy.

  5.What does the sentence “All meals free” mean?

  A. Assistants can have the meals at any time.

  B. Assistants can have the meals in the restaurant without paying money.

  C. Customers(顾客)can have the meals freely.

  D. Assistants need to pay for their meals.

  Passage 65



  Tel: 722863

  Tickets $4

  Monday, 8 January for two weeks


  Charles Lawrence’s popular comedy

  Wednesday, 24 January to Saturday, 27 January

  Shanghai Festival Ballet



  Monday, 29 January for one week

  RUN and KILL

  Tim Danny’s thrilling mystery

  Performances: Mon. -----Fri. 7:30 Sat. 8:00

  Tea and coffee served during the interval

  1.The phone number of the Newton Theater is ________.

  A. Tel. 24-27 B. Tickets $4 C. Mon. 8 Jan D. 722863

  2.The Newton Theater is in _________.

  A. Danny B. Lawrence C. Oxford D. Shanghai

  3.The Shanghai Festival Ballet(芭蕾舞)will perform (表演) ________.

  A. four B. three C. six D. five

  4._______ begins on Monday, January 29th.

  A. Newton Theater B. My Fat Friend C. Swan Lake D. Run and Kill

  5.Performances start at _______ on weekdays.

  A. 8:00 B. 7:30 C. 5:00 D. 6:00

  6.You can get _______ at the Newton Theater during the interval (幕间休息).

  A.bread and oranges B. water and cakes

  C. coffee and tea D. fish and chips

  Passage 66

  Come to Austria!

  Soll is a village in the mountains in western Austria, and the Hotel Post, opened by a local (当地的) family, is clean and not expensive. From the hotel you can see the whole village, the forest and the mountains. Temperatures in summer are usually 20℃ to 25℃ in the daytime, but much cooler by evening.

  Enjoy Thailand!

  When you visit Bangkok in Thailand, don't miss the early morning river boat trip to the Floating (漂浮的) Market just outside the city. There you will find many kinds of fruits and vegetables. There you can pay for them when you sit in your boat. Don't forget your hat: the sun can be strong and it may be as hot as 40℃ about midday!

  Visit Hawaii!

  Maybe the most beautiful place in Hawaii is Kauai. You can visit its long, sandy beaches in the south and west of the island, and mountains and forests in the north, but be careful: there are many mosquitoes (蚊子), and don't be surprised if it rains in the center of the island. Daytime temperatures there are usually around 24℃ to 26℃ by the sea, and only a little cooler by late evening.


  1.If you stay at the Hotel Post, you have a view (风景) of______.

  2.At the Floating Market you can buy things in ______.

  3.Because the sun is strong in Bangkok, you should bring______.

  4.In the north of Kauai Island there are______.

  5.The warmest place of the three is______.

  Passage 67

  Come and see the Indian elephants and the new tigers from America. The bears are waiting to meet you, and the monkeys from China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs from Australia are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes from Zambia are waiting to look down on you.



  Children:Over 12 $ 1.00 Under 12 Free

  Opening time

  9:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m.

  Except Friday 10:00 a.m. — 3 :00 p.m.

  Keep the zoo clean!

  Do not touch,give food or go near the animals.

  1.How many kinds of animals are talked about in the passage?

  A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven

  2.Now Mr. Smith is in the zoo with his two sons, one aged 14 and the other 10, how much are the tickets together?

  A. $4.00 B. $2.00 C. $3.00 D. $1.00

  3.Which of the following is the visiting time?

  A. 8:30 a.m. Monday B. 9:30 a.m. Friday

  C. 3:00 p.m. Sunday D. 5:00 p.m. Tuesday

  4.From the passage we can guess the animal “giraffe” must be very _______.

  A. fat B. long C. strong D. tall

  5.Which of the following can we do in the zoo?

  A. To give some food to the dogs. B. To touch the monkey on the head.

  C. To throw things everywhere. D. To take a few nice photos.


  1. What does 2045 mean? It means _________?

  A. twenty forty-five in the evening. B. eight forty-five in the morning.

  C. a quarter past eight in the evening. D. a quarter to nine in the evening.

  2. What is the flight number from Beijing to Abu Dhabi?

  A. F002, F004 and F012 B.F002, F008 and F012

  C. F002, F008, and F018 D. F012, F016 and F022

  3. How long does it take to fly from Beijing to Doha?

  A. Ten hours. B. Nineteen hours and a half.

  C. Seven and half a hours. D. Six hours and a quarter.

  4. On what days can one fly from Beijing to Dubai leaving and arriving in the morning?

  A. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.

  B. Monday, Thursday and Wednesday.

  C. Wednesday. D. Monday.

  5. When is it possible for one to fly from Beijing to Abu Dhabi and then to Bahrain on the same day?

  A. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. B. Monday and Thursday

  C. Wednesday. D. It’s not possible.

  Passage 69

  CCTV –1 CCTV –4

  18:30 Children’s World 18:30 Modern English

  19:00 News 19:00 Women’s Life

  19:45 Around the World 19:30 Culture and Life

  20:20 Film: Diary of a Nurse 20:45 Volleyball Match: China--America

  21:50 Message from the Market 22:30 English News

  22:20 Modern Arts 22:50 English Film: Gone With the Wind

  23:00 End of the program 00:30 End of the program


  18:30 BTV News 18:40 English for Children

  19:00 Popular Songs 19:00 News from CCTV –1

  19:30 Animal World 19:30 SD News

  20:20 American English Today 19:45 Football Match: China--Japan

  21:15 Science and Life 21:30 TV Play: Our Father & Mother

  22:30 Sports News 23:15 Night News Report

  23:00 End of the program 23:30 End of the program

  1.A football fan can enjoy a football match on _____.

  A. SDTV B. CCTV- 1 C. BTV-2 D. CCTV -4

  2.If you are interested in pop songs, you may choose ______.

  A. CCTV-1 B. BTV-2 C. CCTV-4 D. SDTV

  3.The English news on CCTV-4 lasts about ______ minutes.

  A. 25 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40

  4. Which TV station has no English program?

  A. BTV-2 B. SDTV C. CCTV-1 D. CCTV-4


  1.After reading this, we know this is _______.

  A. a studying plan of Edward Scott

  B. a teaching plan for Ivy

  C. a school report of Edward Scott

  D. a working plan of M. L. Martin

  2.Which of the following in NOT mentioned in the form?

  A. P. E. B. Music C. Mathematics D. History

  3.Edward’s best subject is _________.

  A. science B. English C geography D. French

  4.Edward is not so good at _______.

  A science and geography B. mathematics and history

  C. history and French D. music and English

  5.According to the form, which of the following sentences is TRUE?

  A. Edward can’t sing songs very well.

  B. Edward doesn’t do well in science.

  C. Edward can do better if he works harder next term.

  D. Edward learns two foreign languages in school



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