四、六级考试冲刺作文范文三 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2004/12/24 15:06 点点英语 |
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作者:丁晓钟 尽管我一贯反对“投机取巧”,但是突然觉得考前做些有针对性的准备还是有必要的。 中国去年的宇航员上天这个话题,大家可以准备一下啊。可以准备两种类型的作文,一种是议论文,先叙述一下中国的航天事业的成就,然后发表一下自己对中国太空探索事业的看法和理由。或者是书信,给杨利伟或者胡锦涛主席写信,说说自己的对中国航天事业的看法和理由。 大家不妨写一下啊,呵呵。看看能不能把我教过大家的一些亮点词汇和句型用上去。 我写了一篇范文,用词和句型尽量简单一些,大家可以参考一下。 给中国的航天英雄杨利伟写信,表达你的祝贺和对中国太空事业的看法。 Dear Mr.Yang June 19, 2004 It is with the most sincere pleasure I write to congratulate you on your becoming the first Chinese greeting to mankind's mother planet from outer space. Today, our country’s centuries-old dream of journeying to outer space has finally come true. People from all walks of life, with no exception to me, take a pride in being Chinese and your fellow countrymen. As the rocket soared into the sky, your name joined those figures such as Gagarin in space history. You deserve this honor, for you were subject to unimaginable hardships and challenges before the successful launch of the Shenzhou-5 spacecraft. I am fully convinced that it makes a lot of sense for our country to attach importance to space exploration. The space industry has had and is going to have a great impact on China in scientific, political and military areas. May you have health, happiness and outstanding success in all your ventures. Respectfully yours, Frank |
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