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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/31 15:34  视听英语Ladder AI杂志

Star's Interview--the Year Monster

  (Written by Tina; Level: Middle)

  Anita: Hello, everyone, Happy Chinese New Year! Today we’re gonna interview a very special guest. You’ll never guess where he’s from. Now let’s welcome – the Year Monster!

  (Big Applause)

  (Giant Monster with horns comes in, trembling)

  Year Monster: He…hello. I…I’m the Year Monster. (Audience cheers) Please…please don’t cheer…I’m really afraid of noise.

  Anita: OK, Mr. Year Monster. Welcome to Ladder AI Magazine. You don’t look as scary as the legends say. Are you sure you are the Year Monster?

  Year Monster: Thank you. It’s really me. But I didn’t mean to scare people on that Chinese New Year all those hundreds of years ago. That year I had just woken up and I was on my way out of my residence when I suddenly yawned. It was a huge yawn…and…probably I was so ugly that people were very frightened… and things just happened that way… I… I swear I didn’t mean it!

  Anita: Easy…easy. Take a deep breath. Calm down, please. I can see what a nice guy you are. Well, in fact, I don’t think you look ugly…though perhaps a bit special.

  Year Monster: (Crying loudly) Wa~~~~!

  Anita: OK, OK, slow release…. Let’s talk about you a bit more so we can understand you better, OK?

  Year Monster: (weeping) OK.

  Anita: Are you really afraid of anything red?

  Year Monster: Yes. I’m terrified by the color red because my mom used to make me wear red as a child. Once I grew up I just couldn’t stand anything red anymore.

  Anita: I see. So how about fire and noise?

  Year Monster: Oh I have glaucoma. That’s why I can’t see fire at night. I spent most of my childhood in the country. So I don’t like noise, either.

  Anita: Wow, sounds like you are just like the rest of us.

  Year Monster: Yes, it’s true. It’s just that I don’t look like normal people.





  年 兽:大……大家……好。我……我叫年兽。(观众欢呼)请……请不要欢呼……我真的很怕吵。

  安尼塔:好的,年兽先生。欢迎您来Ladder AI杂志作客。您看上去可不像传说中的那么可怕噢。您确定您就是年兽本人吗?

  年 兽:谢谢!我确实就是年兽本人。但在几百年前的那个春节,我真的不是有意要吓人的。那年我只不过刚睡醒,正从家里往外走,可突然间就打了个呵欠。这个呵欠很大很大……或许……可能是因为我长得太丑了吧,反正大家都被吓倒了……事情的经过就是这样……我……我发誓我不是有意的!


  年 兽:(大声哭了起来)哇……!


  年 兽:(哭泣着)好吧。


  年 兽:是啊。我怕红色是因为小时候我妈妈总让我穿红色的衣服,等我长大以后,就再也无法忍受任何红色的东西了。


  年 兽:噢,我患有青光眼,因此在夜里见不得火光。我小时候大部分时间都住在乡下,所以我也不怎么喜欢吵闹声。


  年 兽:是啊,确实如此。只不过我长得不像普通人!


  monster n. 怪物

  applause n. 鼓掌欢迎

  horn n. (牛、羊等的)角

  tremble vi. 战栗

  scary adj. 引起惊慌的;吓人的;可怕的

  legend n. 传说

  residence n. 住处

  yawn v. 打呵欠

  ugly adj. 丑陋的

  swear v. 发誓

  release vt. 释放;发泄;放松

  terrify vt. 使惊恐;恐吓

  glaucoma n. 青光眼


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