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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs 白雪公主
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/01/31 21:04  北京教育出版社


  In the middle of winter, the snow was falling like feathers from the sky. A queen was sitting at a window. She thought to herself,“How I wish I could have a child as white as snow!”

  feather n. 羽毛

  queen n. 王后

  Soon after that she had a little daughter. Her skin was as white as snow, so she was called little Snow White. And when the child was born, the queen died.

  skin n. 皮肤

  After a year the king took another wife. She was a beautiful woman, but she could not bear that anyone else should be more beautiful than her. She had a looking-glass. When she stood in front of it and asked, “Looking-glass, who is the fairest of them all?” The looking-glass would answer, “You, my queen.”

  skin n. 皮肤

  But Snow White was growing up, and became more and more beautiful. When she was seven years old, she was more beautiful than the queen. Once when the queen asked her looking-glass who is the fairest, it answered, “Snow White.”

  grow up 长大

  once n. 一次

  She asked a hunter to kill the child.The hunter obeyed, but when he was to kill her, Snow White began to weep, and said, “Dear hunter, leave my life. I will run away into the forest, and never come home.” As she was so beautiful, the hunter had pity on her and said,“Run away, poor child.”

  hunter n. 猎人

  obey v. 服从

  weep v. 哭泣

  have pity on 同情



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