
http://www.sina.com.cn   2005年02月05日 13:33   环球网


  误译:The wages and investment income of a person require taxation.

  正译:The wages and investment income of a person are subject to taxation.

  解释:动词require是有决断性意义的动词,它的逻辑主语是有权威者或制约者,需要受制约者做某事。例如:The state/law requires that the citizens should pay taxes.(国家/法律要求公民纳税。)在这里,the state/law是制约者,the citizens是受制约者,pay taxes是受制约者需要做的事。而在“个人的工资和投资收入需要纳税”一句中,the wages and investment income of a person是受制约的缘由,而taxation是受制约者应做的事情,用require是不合适的。应该改用be subject to。

  对中国学生来说,be subject to是个难点。它有三个意思。

  一是be likely to be affected by sth,especially sth bad or unpleasant,相当于“容易遭受…”和“容易受…影响”。例如:肥胖者容易得心脏病。Obese people are subject to heart attacks.

  be subject to sth的第二个意思是be dependent on sth in order to be completed or agreed,相当于“取决于”和“视…而定”。例如:这篇文章准备好了,可以发表,就等你同意了。The article is ready to publish,subject to your approval.

  be subject to sth的第三个意思是be under the authority of sth,相当于“服从于”、“受…支配”和“受…管辖”。例如:警察也须遵守法律。The police are also subject to the law.(文/王逢鑫)

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