翻译练习:广阔的天空像是着了火 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/05 17:38 北外网院 |
The broad sky seemed on fire. Rising into the air with showers of sparks, and rolling one above the other, were sheets of flame, lighting the atmosphere for miles round, and driving clouds of smoke in the direction where he stood. The shouts grew louder as new voices swelled the roar, and he could hear the cry of Fire! mingled with the ringing of an alarm-bell, the fall of heavy bodies, and the crackling of flames as they twined round some new obstacle, and shot aloft as though refreshed by food. The noise increased as he looked. There were people there – men and women – light, bustle. It was like new life to him. He darted onward – straight, headlong – dashing through brier and brake, and leaping gate and fence as madly as his dog, who careered with loud and sounding bark before him. |
翻译练习:广阔的天空像是着了火 |
参考译文:广阔的天空像是着了火。一片高过一片的火头挟着阵雨般的火星,旋转着冲天而起,点亮了方圆几英里的天空,把一团团浓烟朝他站的方向驱赶过来。又有新的声音加入了呐喊,呼声更高了。他听得出那是一片呼喊“失火了!”喊声中混合着警钟鸣响,重物倒塌,火柱爆裂的声音。烈焰围住一个新的障碍物,火舌箭一般蹿起来,像是补充了食物似的。在他远远旁观的当儿,喧闹声越来越嘈杂,那边有人——男的女的都有——火光熊熊,人来人往。这情景在他看来如同是一种新的生活。他飞奔过去——直端端的,一头冲了过去——冲过荆棘灌丛,跃过栅栏和篱笆,和他那条汪汪地高声吠叫着跑在前边的狗一样像是发了疯。 |