双语书法秀:中英文字二合一(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/06 11:23 北京青年报 |
Two samples of the bilingual calligraphy devised by Mr David Moser. One says China in Chinese characters when read from upper right to lower left, but says China in English when read from lower left to upper right. The other spells America when read from upper left to lower right. Moser, an American working in Beijing, said, "I invented these about ten years ago when I was first studying Chinese characters. I kept noticing letters of the alphabet inside the characters, and I began to wonder if you could actually write an English word inside the Chinese character." |
双语书法秀:中英文字二合一(图) |
上面是美国的莫大伟先生设计的双语书法的两份样图。在第一幅图中,从右上角向左下角看,是一个用汉字写的"中国",但从左下角向右上角看,就是一个用英文拼写的CHINA。在第二幅图中,从左上角向右下角看,是用汉字书写的"美国"及其英文拼写AMERICA。 莫大伟现在北京工作,他说:"大约十年前开始研究汉字的时候,我就发明了这种书法。我一直关注着蕴藏在汉字里的英文字母,于是开始思索,能不能把一个英文单词写进汉字。" |