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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/06 15:37  国际在线









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  Young FBI agent Clarice Starling is assigned to help find a missing woman to save her from a psychopathic serial killer who skins his victims. Clarice attempts to gain a better insight into the twisted mind of the killer by talking to another psychopath Hannibal Lecter, who used to be a respected psychiatrist. FBI agent Jack Crawford believes that Lecter who is also a very powerful and clever mind manipulator have the answers to their questions to help locate the killer. Clarice must first try and gain Lecter's confidence before he is to give away any information.

  Bill: Are you close to catching somebody?

  Clarice: Yes. We may be. Did you...take over this place after Mrs. Lippman died, is that right?

  Bill: Yeah, I bought this house two years ago.

  Clarice: Did she leave any records, any business records...tax forms, lists of employees?

  Bill: No, nothing like that at all. See, has the FBI learned something? The police around here don't seem to have the first clue. Have you got, like, a description, fingerprints, anything like that?

  Clarice: No, we don't.

  Bill: Here's that number.

  Clarice: Very good, Mr. Gordon. May I use your phone, please?

  Bill: Sure you can use my phone.

  Clarice: Freeze! Put your hands over your head and turn around. Spread your legs. Spread your legs! Put your hands on the back...Freeze!

  Catherine: Hey! Are you there? I'm down here! I'm down here!

  Clarice: Catherine Martin? FBI! You're safe.

  Catherine: Safe, shit! Get me out of here!

  Clarice: You are all right, Catherine. Where is he?

  Catherine: How fuch should I know? Just get me out of here!

  Clarice: Catherine, you've gotta be quiet! Now, shut that dog up!

  Catherine: Just get me out of here.

  Clarice: Oh, my God. Catherine,I'm gonna get you out. But right now, you listen to me. I've gotta leave this room and I'll be right back.

  Catherine: No, don't you leave me here. This guy is fucking crazy now! Don't you leave me here. Wait! I gotta get out of here. Please!

  Clarice: Catherine! The other officers will be here any minute now.

  Catherine: Wait! Don't go! Please! Wait!

  Clarice: Shhh! God! Quiet!


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