巴西总统发起减肥动员 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/07 12:05 北京青年报 |
BRASILIA (Reuters) -- With one in four Brazilian adults overweight, including President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, the portly leader will promote a nationwide fitness campaign, the government said on Monday. Lula has taken to daily walks and a diet to control his weight and combat a sedentary lifestyle. He wants Brazilians to follow suit after a government study in December showed 40 million were overweight and 10 million of those were obese. According to Sports Minister Agnelo Queiroz, the president told a meeting on sports and fitness: "I am overweight and because of this I do regular exercise... People need to know this." Lula will lead a walk in Brazil's capital, Brasilia, in late February to kick-start the campaign, which will feature radio and television ads. Medical studies show weight problems pose a greater health threat than malnutrition in Brazil, where up to 46 million people go hungry each day, according to government figures. Brazil's population is about 180 million. The culprits for Brazil's fattening population appear to be the country's sweet tooth, a lack of exercise and the gradual replacement of staples like rice and beans with processed foods, the December study said. |
巴西总统将发起全国性减肥运动 |
巴西利亚:周一,巴西政府宣布,由于平均每四个巴西成人中就有一个超重(其中也包括总统卢拉·达·席尔瓦),胖总统将发起一项全国性的健身运动。卢拉已开始习惯于每天散步、节食,以此来控制体重,向久坐不动的生活方式开战。去年12月份,政府的一项研究表明,有4000万巴西人超重,其中1000万人已属肥胖。在这项研究发表之后,总统希望国民也来效仿他。巴西的体育部长阿格内鲁·克罗斯说,在一次有关运动与健身的会议上总统说道:"我身体超重,所以我定期锻炼……人们有必要知道这事。"2月下旬,卢拉将在首都巴西利亚以"领走"的方式展开这场健身运动,届时广播和电视会进行大量宣传。 医学研究表明,体重超重的问题比营养不良对巴西人的健康造成的威胁更为严重(官方数据显示,每天处于饥饿状态的人还有4600万)。巴西的人口为1.8亿。12月份发表的这项研究提出,造成巴西人日渐肥胖的原因看来是由于巴西人爱吃甜食、缺乏运动以及精加工食品渐渐取代了米饭、豆类等传统主食。 |