今年奥斯卡最佳影片与票房热门背离 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/02/18 13:42 国际在线 |
By the numbers, the Academy Awards are roughly 50 percent less relevant than they have been the last five years. While all five candidates for the top Oscar have managed respectable ticket sales, they collectively have been seen by fewer moviegoers than any batch of best-picture nominees in 20 years. For the first time since the 1997 "Titanic" juggernaut, no blockbuster is in the mix, and it's the first time in 15 years without at least one $100 million hit among the best-picture contenders going into the Oscars. A year ago, best-picture candidates had grossed $696 million a week before the Oscars. A year ago, the largest audience in four years tuned in to see the academy crown $377 million sensation "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King" as best picture. "Eyeballs staring at the movie screen translates to eyeballs staring at the TV screen," said Paul Dergarabedian, president of box-office tracker Exhibitor Relations. "People like to have a vested interest in what they're watching. When `Titanic' does $1.8 billion in worldwide box office, you've got a lot of people out there with a vested interest." Edging toward $90 million, "The Aviator" leads this year's roster, followed by "Ray," which topped out at about $75 million and is now on home video. "Million Dollar Baby," "Sideways" and "Finding Neverland" are in the $45 million to $55 million range. The last three years, there has been a "Lord of the Rings" megahit competing. Other past blockbuster contenders included "Gladiator," "The Sixth Sense," "Saving Private Ryan," "Forrest Gump" and "Ghost." The big hits of 2004 included "Shrek 2," "Spider-Man 2" and "The Incredibles," but they were lighter flicks that never drew much best-picture buzz. And liberal-minded Hollywood did not give serious best-picture consideration to the religious blockbuster "The Passion of the Christ. The feature-animation competition arguably could be called the real best-picture competition for mainstream movie fans. At $436 million, "Shrek 2" far out-grossed the entire best-picture lineup combined. Add in "The Incredibles" ($259 million) and "Shark Tale" ($160 million), and the three animated nominees did more than 2 1/2 times the business of the five best-picture contestants. The Oscars, though, are not necessarily a place for popular sentiment, often singling out small films such as this year's "Vera Drake" or "Being Julia" for key nominations. "I have never equated the Academy Awards with how much money a movie takes in," said Nikki Rocco, head of distribution for Universal, which released "Ray." "That's the People's Choice Awards. This is not about the public. This is about the industry bestowing its awards on what they think are the best films of the year." |
今年奥斯卡最佳影片与票房热门背离 |
想把今年的奥斯卡获奖影片与票房“宠儿”挂上钩似乎不是一件容易的事。虽说今年5部最佳提名影片最终都磕磕碰碰地达到了票房收入,但是即使把看过这5部片子的所有观众都加起来,也抵不上过去20年里任何单部提名影片的观众。 据美国广播公司2月16日报道,自1997年大片《泰坦尼克号》摘得奥斯卡金像奖后,今年是首次高投入的大片无缘奥斯卡,也是15年来首次没有一部耗资超过1亿美元的影片进入最后角逐。到奥斯卡颁奖前一周为止,业内人士估计今年提名的5部影片《飞行者》(The Aviator)、《百万宝贝》(Million Dollar Baby)、《雷》(Ray)、《杯酒人生》(Sideways) 和《寻找梦幻岛》(Finding Neverland)的总共票房收入大概在3.15亿美元。可是一年前,所有提名影片在奥斯卡颁奖前一周的票房收入却是6.96亿美元。 也是在一年前,我们目睹了无数观众涌入影院观看大片《指环王3:王者归来》的温馨场面,当时影院观众创4年之最,该影片票房收入飙升到3.77亿美元。再看看今年,《飞行者》票房收入“最高” ,勉强接近9000万美元。紧随其后的是影片《雷》,票房收入达7500万美元。而《百万宝贝》,《杯酒人生》和《寻找梦幻岛》的票房维持在4500万美元至5500万美元之间。 报道说,2004年的热门大片《怪物史莱克2》、《蜘蛛人2》和《超人特工队》也许由于格调过于轻松,没有登上今年奥斯卡“大雅之堂”。但是,《怪物史莱克2》创票房纪录4.36亿美元,超过所有提名影片的票房总和,如果再加上《超人特工队》(2.59亿美元)和《鲨鱼黑帮》(1.6亿美元),它们的票房收入可是所有提名影片票房的两倍多。 不过,奥斯卡没有大众情结。正像环球电影公司发行部负责人尼基-罗科所说:“我从来没有将金像奖和它们的票房收入联系在一起。那是大众选择奖。但这里和大众无关。在这里业内人士选出他们认为年度最好的影片。”如果商业大片一不小心摘得了大奖,那也只是凑巧。 有趣的是,一些评论家认为,如果商业大片获得提名,人们会说评委刻意迎合大众口味;如果投资规模小的片子占据上风,人们又会说它们游离于主流以外。今年获得提名的影片据说就是从艺术角度出发。(文/朱红隽) |