
http://www.sina.com.cn   2005年02月24日 14:58   环球网

  Togo Leader Calls Presidential Elections within 60 Days

  Togo's leader Faure Gnassingbe called presidential elections within 60 days on Friday,but said he would remain in office until the 4.7million citizens of the republic elect their first new president in 38years.

  Vowing that his government will make all"necessary arrangements"to ensure free and fair elections,Gnassingbe extended an olive branch to the Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS):"We heartily desire ECOWAS to accompany us in this electoral process."

  Gnassingbe,the39-year-old son of late Togo President Gnassingbe Eyadema came to power with the support of the military after his father's death on February 5,a move condemned by the African Union and ECOWAS as a"military coupd'etat."





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