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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/01 13:38  国际在线

  McDonald's is teaming up with MTV to tell the world they're "lovin' it," Reebok has sports and entertainment stars pledging "I Am What I Am," while Coca-Cola is on the hunt for a message to send across the globe. Some of the world's biggest brands are reintroducing themselves on the global stage -- using marketing campaigns with catch-all slogans to sell their products to a worldwide audience, irrespective of borders, culture or even religion.

  "The goal is to be more consistent and bring back some bigness to brand Coca-Cola," spokesman Kelly Brooks said of the company's plan to spend an additional $350 million to $400 million this year on marketing that will shift from local ads to campaigns that could span an entire continent.

  It is the Coca-Cola Co.'s "attempt to restore its global iconic status," Brooks said. The Atlanta soft drink giant's last truly worldwide campaign was its "Always" slogan used from 1993 to 1999.

  Advertising experts say after years of regional or countrywide campaigns, marketers are homing in on the belief that needs and wants -- particularly for food, drink and clothing -- are little different around the globe. Selling a lifestyle is easier now that more people can aspire to the same one.

  "The global teenager is very similar. The needs are converging around the world. This now allows companies to make this trade-off in favor of big campaigns," said Nader Tavassoli, a marketing professor at the London Business School. "Before that, companies incurred the costs of tailoring a lot of their campaigns locally because needs were truly different -- but needs are converging."

  Many big companies -- particularly those based in the United States -- have been looking for ways to maximize their resources in the face of tougher competition and have identified the merging global culture as one place to do that, said Andy

  Corcoran, an advertising professor at Lincoln University in northern England. "They are able, because people know who they are, to take a position, to make their brand fit those global needs and wants," Corcoran said. "They can take that across the world."


  麦当劳公司一句 “我就喜欢”风行世界。现在,他们正准备和MTV公司联手,将这句广告词打造成麦当劳公司产品销往全球的通行证;运动品牌锐步希望世界各地的锐步产品传递着同一个声音“我就是我”;可口可乐公司目前也正在征集全球产品的统一营销口号。现在,一些全球知名大公司正在重新定位它们的形象,希望将自己的产品以一个统一的营销口号在世界各地销售。


  广告业内人士认为,以前一些行业,如食品,饮料和服装等,将销售重点放在国内或一个地区。而现在他们认为“众口好调”, 世界各地的人们对这类产品的口味没什么太大区别。因此,一些大公司纷纷想方设法拓展产品的销售渠道。

  麦当劳公司“我就喜欢”产品策略的销售成功,可以说是提供了一个样本。据Heye & Partners广告公司估计,麦当劳公司的这一产品形象在世界各地几乎一致,它推动了麦当劳快餐连锁店在全球的统一形象。超级品牌机构的史蒂芬·切里尔蒂斯认为,目前在社会各界普遍关注麦当劳产品有可能导致肥胖的压力下,公司推出这一营销策略是在向外界表明,它们改变方向满足了消费者的要求,他们依然出色。此次,麦当劳联手MTV的新策略收到了成效。该公司去年收入增加11%,达到191亿美元。

  与麦当劳不同,锐步的全球促销选用的是大牌明星来“捧场”。篮球明星艾弗森, 知名说唱歌手Jay-Z和影星刘玉玲的加盟无疑给公司产品带来极大人气。一句“我就是我”的口号,不仅体现出大腕明星们的真我风格,也将世界各地锐步的营销努力方向集合起来。



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