惠普女掌门离职 幕后人物操控解聘 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/02 17:16 国际在线 |
Few know that HP legend and director Dick Hackborn, who was instrumental in hiring the former CEO, was also key in orchestrating her ouster Since Carly Fiorina was ousted from Hewlett-Packard (HPQ ) on Feb. 8, most accounts have centered on the role of board member Patricia C. Dunn in her removal. The vice-chairwoman of Barclays Global Investors, Dunn stepped in to replace Fiorina as head of HP's board, and she has taken the most visible role of HP's directors in publicly explaining the change. But BusinessWeek Online has learned that another director, legendary former printer tsar Richard A. Hackborn, also played a crucial behind-the-scenes role -- and not just in the final days. Hackborn, who founded HP's goldmine printer business in the 1980s, was instrumental in hiring Fiorina in 1999. But two insiders -- one former and one current -- say Hackborn began raising concerns about aspects of Fiorina's management style, including her refusal to delegate operational duties, in her first year on the job. While Hackborn supported Fiorina's controversial bid to buy Compaq in 2001, he grew frustrated as HP's performance faltered in late 2004, says the current insider. And in the weeks before her ouster, "Dick's role was decisive and catalytic. His criticisms helped shape the views of other, often newer board members," says the current insider. Hackborn did not respond to requests for interviews, and HP had no comment. For anyone familiar with HP's history, Hackborn's behind-the-scenes importance comes as no surprise. For nearly 20 years, he has been the power behind the throne at HP. He had a hand in pushing out John Young as CEO in 1992. Hackborn then refused the entreaties of co-founders Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett to make him the CEO. So the founders turned to HP exec Lew Platt, who was ushered out seven years later -- a move that Hackborn urged, according to previous interviews with Platt. And now that Hackborn has helped show Fiorina the door, he'll likely play a significant role as the company looks for her replacement. |
惠普女掌门离职 幕后人物操控解聘 |
前不久,美国惠普公司首席执行官(CEO)卡莉-费奥瑞娜女士辞职的消息在全球激起了轩然大波,费奥瑞娜离职的前前后后也成为人们竞相猜测的焦点。不少人将目光转向惠普董事层领导帕特丽夏-邓恩,认为正是她促成了费奥瑞娜的被迫辞职。然而事实又远非如此简单,因为这里面涉及到了惠普公司内部高层“垂帘听政”的一段“秘史”。 据美国《商业周刊》2月28日报道,惠普传奇性的女首席执行官费奥瑞娜于2月8日正式宣布辞职,曾经雄心勃勃的铁碗人物缘何作出辞职决定?业界诸多分析人士都将目光集中在惠普董事层重要领导邓恩身上,相信她在费奥瑞娜离职的问题上扮演了十分关键的角色,因为就在费奥瑞娜宣布辞职之后,从1998年开始担任公司董事的邓恩立刻被任命为公司临时非执行董事局主席。其实,在费奥瑞娜离职的问题上,另一位惠普公司高层领导才是真正的主导人物,他就是惠普公司打印部门的传奇人物理查-汉克博恩。 早在上世纪80年代,汉克博恩亲手打造了惠普公司的支柱产业——打印部门,并在1999年公司雇佣费奥瑞娜为CEO的过程中发挥了关键作用。不过,据惠普内部人士透露,在费奥瑞娜离职的一周前,汉克博恩发挥了“决定性”的作用,因为他一直对费奥瑞娜上任后的管理风格颇有微辞,并在一些场合公开表现过自己的不满。正是汉克博恩对费奥瑞娜的公开批评,坚定了其他领导辞退费奥瑞娜的决心。 实际上,任何一个熟悉惠普公司发展历史的人都不会对汉克博恩的幕后地位感到惊奇。20多年来他实际上一直暗中掌控着惠普高层人士变动的大权。1992年他亲手将约翰-杨赶出了惠普大门,并一口拒绝惠普公司创始人比尔-休利特和戴维-帕卡德要求约翰-杨出任惠普CEO的请求。另一方面,正是凭借汉克博恩的帮助,路-普莱特才成功入主惠普CEO一职。普莱特本人就曾在一次采访中公开承认了汉克博恩对其升任CEO的帮助。 相传费奥瑞娜曾在与汉克博恩的一次会面中说自己十分高兴能在汉克博恩领导下工作,并表示汉克博恩理应出任公司董事会主席,而自己则完全能够胜任CEO的工作。这是对汉克博恩的一种暗示,如果费奥瑞娜顺利出任CEO,汉克博恩则有望成为惠普公司“垂帘听政的慈禧太后”。费奥瑞娜的提议很大程度上满足了汉克博恩对于权力的渴望,而另一方面还很好地保护了汉克博恩不愿抛头露面的愿望。 然而,两人这种默契的珠联璧合在费奥瑞娜刚刚接任CEO一年的时间里就出现了裂痕。首先,在实际工作中,费奥瑞娜业务经验不足的缺点暴露无遗,汉克博恩曾在董事会上公开表示费奥瑞娜应下放一部分公司权力,同时他还一直致力于寻找一位精明能干的二号人物来辅佐费奥瑞娜。后来,随着惠普公司元老的纷纷离职,汉克博恩的不满情绪也越来越严重,这种不满在2001年公司激光打印部门主管卡罗琳-蒂克纳离职后达到了顶点。曾在上世纪90年代与汉克博恩共同创造惠普辉煌的鲍勃-弗兰克博格说:“随着卡莉女士将越来越多的公司元老赶出惠普,汉克博恩表现得越来越安静。”而安静中所隐含的愤怒和无奈也是不言而喻的。 纵观惠普公司的发展史,汉克博恩可谓是战功显赫。在33年的惠普工作生涯中,汉克博恩帮助惠普公司摆脱了一次又一次险境,创造了一次又一次的辉煌。现在费奥瑞娜已经离开,汉克博恩的位置是否也将受到影响?汉克博恩的一位密友透露说,汉克博恩将会在近期重新宣布退休的消息,不过这位密友预计,在惠普的人士动荡烟消云散之后,汉克博恩仍会回到这家他灌注了毕生心血的公司。(文/李远) |