马来西亚吉隆坡如厕之前须换拖鞋 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/03 20:08 北京青年报 |
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia - A Malaysian state will soon build public toilets equipped with piped music and newspapers for people to enjoy while using them. Officials in the northeastern state of Kelantan on Tuesday announced that "Happy and Healthy Toilets" would be built in popular spots, with facilities "guaranteed to make users happy", Malaysia's national news agency Bernama reported. State public administration official Takiyuddin Hassan said the toilets, to be completed within three months, would have newspapers so that "users can keep up with current issues while performing their business, while being entertained by music." People would also need to wear special slippers provided in the toilets to maintain hygiene, Takiyuddin was quoted as saying by Bernama. It was not clear how many such toilets would be constructed. |
马来西亚吉隆坡如厕之前须换拖鞋 |
马来西亚吉隆坡:马来西亚的一个州即将建造一批新公厕,这种厕所将连续播放录制好的音乐,提供报纸,人们在使用厕所时便可享用。周二,位于该国东北部的吉兰丹州的官员们宣布,将在人们常去的场所建造“舒心卫生厕所”,其设施将“保证使如厕者感到愉快”,马来西亚国家新闻社Bernama如是报道。 该州公共事务管理官员塔吉乌迪恩-哈散说,这些厕所将在三个月内建成,厕所内有报纸,使用者在“办事”时可了解时事,同时还能欣赏到音乐。为保持卫生,人们还需换上厕所提供的特殊拖鞋,马来西亚国家新闻社援引塔吉乌迪恩的话说道。 至于要建造多少个这样的厕所,目前尚不清楚。 |