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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/08 15:16  英语辅导报

  "群"含有"多"的意思,在英语中常用"a group of..."来表示"一群……".实际上,因为文体不同、搭配不同及感情色彩的不同,"群"也有多种不同的表达.下面就介绍一些较为常用的含有"群"意思的词.

  1. group: n. a number of people or things placed together(常用词)群;组.例如:

  A group of little girls are playing in the park. 一群小女孩正在公园里玩.

  There are a group of beautiful islands along the sea. 沿着海边有一群美丽的岛屿.

  2. band: n. a group of people formed for some common purpose and often with a leader; a group of animals 一伙人,一帮人;一群(动物).例如:

  We were set upon by a band of robbers. 一群强盗袭击了我们.

  A band of ducks is swimming in the lake. 一群鸭子游在湖面上.

  3. batch: n. (infml) a group (非正式)一批;一组.例如:

  Our company has got a batch of orders. 我们公司拿到了一批定单.

  Tom has received several batches of letters. 汤姆收到了好几堆信.

  4. bunch: n. (infml , often humor or derog) a group (非正式,常用于幽默或贬义中)一群,一帮,一伙.例如:

  John has a bunch of friends and often gets their help. 约翰有一帮子朋友并且经常得到他们的帮助.

  A bunch of children surrounded the ice-cream man. 一群孩子围住了那个卖冰淇淋的人.

  5. cloud: n. a large number of small things moving through the air as a mass (尤指飞行中的大批小动物,如昆虫等)一大群,一团.例如:

  Birds are flying in dense clouds. 鸟密密麻麻地飞着.

  A cloud of locusts is approaching the forests. 一大群蝗虫正飞近森林.

  6. clump: n. a group of trees, bushes, plants, etc. growing together 树丛,灌木丛,草丛等.例如:

  There is a big clump of grasses on the hill. 山上有一大片草丛.

  7. cluster: n. a number of things of the same kind growing or being close together in a group (人或动物的)群集,(东西的)聚集.例如:

  A cluster of bees is flying among the flowers. 一群蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞.

  a cluster of houses/ spectators/ islands/ diamonds/ stars etc. 密密匝匝的房子/观众/岛屿/钻石/星星等

  8. collection: n. a group of objects collected as hobby, for study, etc.; group of people (一批)收集物;人群.例如:

  Janet has a very good collection of foreign coins. 珍妮收集了不少外国硬币.

  An odd collection of people attended the party. 一群稀奇古怪的人参加了舞会.

  9. crew: n. a group of people working together 一起工作的一群人.例如:

  They form a train track repair crew. 他们组成一组铁轨维修人员.

  We were such a happy crew on our day in London. 我们一群人在伦敦的那天都很快活.

  10. crowd: n. a large number of people gathered together 人群;群众.例如:

  There were crowds of people at the theatre. 剧院里满是人.

  He pushed his way through the crowd. 他在人群里挤来挤去.

  11. flock: n. a group of sheep, goats, or birds; (infml) a crowd, large number of people 羊群,鸟群;(非正式)人群.例如:

  A flock of people poured into the hall. 一群人涌进了大厅.

  A flock of sheep were straying all over the road and causing confusion among the traffic. 路上到处是跑散的绵羊,造成交通混乱.

  12. gang: n. a group of people working together, such as prisoners or building workers; (often derog) a group of friends who are against other groups 人群;(贬义)一帮人,一伙人.例如:

  Let's ask the rest of the gang instead of going alone. 让我们问问其他伙伴,不要单个儿去.

  A gang of criminals raided the bank. 一群犯罪分子抢劫了银行.

  13. herd: n. (derog) people generally thought of as acting alike with no person having his own thoughts or opinions; a group of animals of one kind which live and feed together (贬义)人群,群众(无主见者);兽群.例如:

  The common herd suffered a lot in those days. 当时一般群众的生活都很苦.

  A herd of cows was grazing in the field. 一群牛在地里吃草.

  14. host: n. a large number 大群,大数目.例如:

  A host of people spread out on the hillside in all directions. 一大群人在山坡上四处分散开来.

  He has a host of friends. 他有很多朋友.

  15. knot: n. a small group of people close together 一小群聚在一起的人.例如:

  I can hear a knot of people whisper in the next room. 我能听见一小群人在隔壁低声细语.

  A knot of people waited on the platform for the train. 一小群人在站台上等火车.

  16. lot: n. a group of people or things of the same type; amount of a substance or material 一批(人或物),一群(人或物).例如:

  Another lot of students is arriving soon. 另一群(或批)学生马上就到.

  This wine is no good but I hope the next lot will be better. 这批酒不好,但我希望下一批会好些.

  17. mass: n. (often pl. with sing. meaning, infml) a large number (of people) (非正式,常用复数形式表示单数意思)许多人,人群.例如:

  There are masses of people here. 这里有许多人.

  A mass of people jammed into the arena. 人群涌进了赛场.

  18. pack: n. group of wild animals that hunt together or group of dogs kept for hunting, esp. with horses; (derog) number of people or things (野兽的)一群,(猎狗的)一群;(贬义)(人或动物的)一帮,一伙.例如:

  A pack of angry shoppers demanded their money back. 一群顾客愤怒地要求退款.

  A pack of dogs were chasing the fox. 一群猎狗正在追捕那只狐狸.

  19. party: n. a group of people doing something together 一群人,一伙人,团体.例如:

  A party of schoolchildren is going to France. 一个小学生团体要到法国去.

  Forest rangers sent out a rescue party to bring back the injured hiker. 森林守护员派出了一支救援队去救回那位受伤的远足者.

  20. school: n. a large group of one kind of fish or certain other sea animals swimming together (鱼及某种海洋动物的)群;队.例如:

  There is a large school of fish swimming near the surface of the water. 有一群鱼在贴近水面的地方游动.

  Sometimes we can see schools of fish pass by the sampan. 有时我们可以看到成群的鱼儿从舢板旁边游过.

  21. swarm: n. a crowd ( of people) or moving mass (of animals) 一群(人);一群(移动中的动物).例如:

  a swarm of ants /bees /locusts 一群蚂蚁/蜜蜂/蝗虫

  There are swarms of children in the parks. 公园里有一群群的孩子.

  22. team: n. a group of people who work, play or act together (一起工作、游戏、行动的)一群人.例如:

  The operation was done by an able team of surgeons. 这手术由一组技术高超的外科医师进行.

  The government is led by an able team of skilled politicians. 政府由一批干练的政治家领导着.

  23. throng: n. a large crowd (of people or things) (人或物)一大群,一大堆.例如:

  There are throngs of passengers at the railway station. 火车站游客成群.

  The pre-Christmas sale attracted throngs of shoppers. 圣诞节前的促销吸引了大批的购物者.

  24. troop: n. a band of people or wild animals, esp. when moving (行动中的)一群(人或野生动物).例如:

  A troop of elephants was moving toward the lake. 一群大象正向湖边走去.

  There were troops of friends to see him off. 有很多朋友为他送行.

  (文/方庆华 英语辅导报大学教师版04~05学年第25,26期;版权归英语辅导报社所有,独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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