土耳其国父私生活仍然是迷雾重重 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/08 17:11 国际在线 |
Nearly seven decades after the death of Turkey's founding father, the private life of Kemal Ataturk is to remain a closely guarded secret. Hopes that his former wife's diaries and letters would at last be published were raised as a 25-year-old court order banning their publication expired. But the family of Latife Usakligil has unexpectedly refused to publish the papers, kept in the vaults of Ankara's Turkish History Foundation since her death in 1975. "Her relatives do not want the documents to be released," the foundation's head, Yusuf Halacoglu, told the Guardian. "Nor [do they want them] to be handed to the public for private reasons which I am not in a position to make public." Ataturk married Usakligil soon after creating the modern state of Turkey out of the ruins of the Ottoman Empire in 1923. The daughter of a well-to-do merchant from Smyrna, who had studied law in Europe, Usakligil was the embodiment of the social reforms the leader, 20 years her senior, so cherished. Ataturk delighted in showing off his unveiled, emancipated wife as he sought to free women from patriarchal traditions and convert Muslim Turkey into a modern secular state. But the marriage did not last. Feisty and outspoken, Usakligil had little patience for Ataturk's drinking habits and even less for his late-night soirees. According to the few accounts that exist, she tried to break up dinner parties and, if she had retired, banged on the floorboards to let her husband know it was time for bed. Exasperated, the leader sent word to his cabinet that the two-year liaison be officially dissolved. Usakligil was escorted to a train by his ministers and never heard of again. To the surprise of many, she kept a vow of silence. Debate over the papers has raged in Turkey for weeks. There is, say officials, just one man still alive in Turkey who read the documents before they were sealed in 1975 - an old historian who has kept his promise never to reveal them. |
土耳其国父私生活仍然是迷雾重重 |
凯末尔-阿塔图尔克是土耳其的民族英雄:他创建了土耳其共和人民党,发动了资产阶级革命;他曾率领国民军击败希腊侵略军,保卫了土耳其独立;他出任了土耳其共和国的首任总统;1934年,土耳其大国民议会授予他“阿塔图尔克”的姓,意为“土耳其之父”。 然而,在凯末尔去世后的近70年里,这样一位功勋卓著的英雄人物的私生活仍然是一个未被揭开的秘密。 据英国《卫报》3月7日报道,不久前,土耳其一所有着25年历史的法院宣布,将对凯末尔前妻拉蒂菲-乌沙克利吉尔的日记和书信的出版进行解禁,这一消息让那些关注国父凯末尔私生活的人们感到很兴奋,但乌沙克利吉尔的家人却出人意料地拒绝出版她所有的日记和书信。在乌沙克利吉尔于1975年逝世后,她的这些文字资料一直在位于首都安卡拉的土耳其历史基金会保存着。 该基金会主席哈拉吉奥卢指出:“乌沙克利吉尔的家人出于某种私人的原因不愿意将这些日记和书信公开。至于究竟是何原因,我也不便公开说明。” 报道说,1923年土耳其共和国成立后,凯末尔与乌沙克利吉尔完婚。乌沙克利吉尔出生土耳其伊兹密尔市富商之家,她曾到欧洲学习法律,她独立自主、爽朗开放的性格正是当时推翻封建传统、推动动社会改革的凯末尔心中完美的新女性形象。于是,乌沙克利吉尔深受比她年长20岁的凯末尔的宠爱,总在公开场合与凯末尔同时露面。 但是,这一场看似幸福的婚姻并不长久。脾气暴躁而又坦率直言的乌沙克利吉尔无法容忍凯末尔嗜酒甚至深夜搞聚会的习惯。根据为数不多的一些资料记载,乌沙克利吉尔常常会破坏聚会的欢乐气氛,或是重力敲打地板,警告她丈夫是该睡觉的时候了。 乌沙克利吉尔的这些举动激怒了凯末尔。在他们结婚两年后,凯末尔向他的内阁成员宣布,他要正式结束这段婚姻。不久,乌沙克利吉尔被凯末尔的官员护送上了一趟不知去向的列车,并再未返回到凯末尔身边。 令人吃惊的是,乌沙克利吉尔一直对她与凯末尔的私生活保持着沉默。 报道说,近段时间以来,在土耳其,乌沙克利吉尔的日记和书信能否被出版一直是个备受争议的话题。有官员指出,目前,在土耳其尚只有一人读过这些日记和书信,这个神秘人物是一位历史学家,但他曾许诺将永远不会对外界公布关于乌沙克利吉尔文字的内容。 (文/蒋黎黎) |