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New China Gets Charitable
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/09 20:32  thats China

  China Charity Federation中华慈善总会:

  China Charity Federation is a non-governmental charity organization formed as a national legal entity approved by the Chinese government to help needy individuals and groups in distress and/or poverty. CCF has helped in supporting the elderly, assisting orphanage programs and finding grant aids for students.

  Address: 7F, Xinlong Mansion, Jia33 Erlong Lu, Xicheng District, Beijing

  Tel: (010) 6608-3260

  Website: www.chinacharity.cn

  Western Sunshine Action


  From 1998 to 2003, Shang Lifu conducted annual investigations of the education conditions in rural China by bicycle, covering 16 provinces, 200 counties and more than 200 schools. "What hit me most was it's not just a question of poverty, but also a question of inequality between the eastern coastal and western areas," says Shang. Shang started up the Western Sunshine Action, employing about 200 university students to teach in poor rural schools in the July 2004 and January 2005 holidays.

  Address: 503-2, No.1 Liyun Building, Beijing Normal University, Xinjiekouwai Dajie, Beijing

  Tel: (010) 6220-5109, 8199-1674

  E-mail: westaid2004@sina.com

  Website: www.westsa.org

  Half the Sky Foundation


  Half the Sky Foundation was created in 1998 by American parents adopting orphaned Chinese children. The purpose is to enrich the lives and enhance the prospects of orphans in China by establishing early childhood education, personalized learning and infant nurture programs in Chinese welfare institutions.

  Address: Apartment 7-2-103, Jianguomen Diplomatic Compound, Chaoyang District, Beijing

  Tel: (010) 8532-3043

  E-mail: htschina@halfthesky.org (Chinese)

  Website: www.halfthesky.org

  Chinese Foundation for Lifeline Express 中华健康快车基金会

  Nellie Fong started this charity project in 1996, establishing an "eye-train" that travels to remote areas of mainland China providing free surgical operations to more than 45,000 blind cataract patients to date. This year, Lifeline Express will send three trains on March 1 for Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Gansu, Yunnan, Chongqing, Hunan, Shandong, Shanxi and Guizhou Provinces.

  China Mobile offers a donation service by sending messages. Input 1-30 yuan and send it to "8595" (In Chinese, the pronunciation resembles "help me, save me"). Service hotline (Chinese language only): (010) 6438- 8595

  Address: Room 2518, 5F, Friendship Building, 277 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing

  Tel: (010) 6528-9913

  E-mail: office@lifeline-express.com

  Website: www.lifeline-express.org 

  The Jane Goodall Institute, Roots & Shoots


  The first Roots & Shoots group began in 1991 at the Dar es Salaam home of famed animal behaviorist and environmental campaigner Dr. Jane Goodall. The organization was introduced to China in 1994 and a Roots & Shoots Beijing office was officially opened in September 2000. To date, more than 200 groups involving more than 50,000 students from pre-school to university age have formed around China.

  "We are training students in a kind of concept," says Wu Xiaohong. "We hope one day they might work in government or education departments. There then they can make decisions in favor of the environment, human community and animal rights."

  In addition, the organization collects and recycles items for use in zoo primate habitats. For example, fire hoses can be woven together to make hammocks for chimpanzees in the Beijing Zoo.

  Beijing Office

  Address: Western Academy of Beijing

  P.O. Box 8547, 10 Laiguangying Donglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing

  Tel: (010) 8456-4155 ext. 4300

  E-mail: info@jgichina.org

  Website: www.jgichina.org, www.janegoodall.org

  Shanghai Office

  Address: 15F, Ocean Towers, 550 Yan'an Donglu, Shanghai

  Tel: (021) 6352-3580

  E-mail: roots&shoots@zuelligpharma.com.cn

  China Youth Development Foundation (Project Hope) 中国青基会(希望工程)

  Since its founding in 1989, Project Hope has raised about 2.6 billion yuan. Starting in 1991, Project Hope has employed a one-on-one donation mode: The donor's money is transferred directly to one child who can report how the money is spent and report his grades to the donor by letter.

  From January 2004, Project Hope has transferred its attention from villages to cities, starting a project specializing in supporting the longsuffering children of migrant workers.

  Tel: (010) 6403-5547

  Website: www.cydf.org.cn



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