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英语辅导:The Mid-Autumn Festival
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/15 13:30  英语辅导报

  The Mid-Autumn Festival is a famous festival in China. It comes from a beautiful story. Long long ago, there was a pretty woman named Chang’e. Many people tell their children that Chang’e lived in the moon. And she also had a lovely rabbit named Yu Tu. So we have this festival every year to commemorate (纪念) them. It’s only a story, but people believe it. Now when the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, a lot of people will go home to get together with their families. And they will have a big dinner. The food on the table are so delicious. After dinner, people will sit in the open air, eat the mooncakes and chat with each other. Children often play games and have a good time. You know, the mooncake is the typical food of the Mid-Autumn Festival. In China there are all kinds of mooncakes, some with nuts, some with meat and some with duck eggs. Some people can’t go home, so they will look at the moon to miss the family members. On that day, the moon is bright and round. It looks like a plate, so we call it the full moon.

  Very nice, isn’t it? Maybe you can really see Chang’e and her rabbit that day. So don’t forget to enjoy the moon.


  (文/黄欣 刘红 英语辅导报牛津七年级版2004-2005学年第23期;版权归英语辅导报社所有独家网络合作伙伴新浪教育,未经许可,不得以任何形式进行转载。)


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