美国影星布雷克杀妻疑案终于获解 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/18 15:55 国际在线 |
A jury found actor Robert Blake not guilty on Wednesday of the 2001 murder of his estranged wife and also acquitted the former "Baretta" star of soliciting a former stuntman to have her killed. Blake, 71, hugged his lawyer, heaved a deep sigh of relief and trembled in his seat as the jury's verdict was read after eight days of deliberation, capping a three-month-long trial. The Los Angeles County Superior Court jury said it was deadlocked 11-to-1 on a second count of solicitation of murder charging Blake with asking another retired stuntman friend to kill his spouse. The judge then dismissed that charge. Blake had been charged with shooting to death his wife of six months, Bonny Lee Bakley, 44, in his car outside a Los Angeles-area restaurant where they had just dined in May 2001. He faced life in prison without parole if found guilty. Blake has said his wife was gunned down by an unknown assailant as she waited in his parked car near their favorite restaurant. He shook with emotion as the verdict was read, burying his head in his hands and seeming to sob. Bakley's adult daughter, Holly, wept silently as Blake was cleared and allowed to walk free from the court. The case against Blake was based largely on circumstantial evidence, and the trial was marked by lengthy delays, changes of lawyers and suggestions he was targeted because of his celebrity. Prosecutors argued Blake despised Bakley, who was described in court by both sides as a career con artist, and that he shot her himself after giving up on seeking others to kill her in order to gain custody of the couple's then-infant daughter, Rosie. They said Blake was furious at Bakley when she got pregnant in 1999. The former child star married Bakley in November 2000 to get her to drop a child abduction charge against him and to get her to sign a prenuptial contract that gave her only limited visitation rights with the baby, prosecution lawyers argued. The actor's lawyer maintained through the trial there was no physical evidence and no witnesses who could credibly link Blake to the murder. He also undermined the credibility of the two retired stuntmen who testified that they had been asked by Blake to kill his wife. |
美国影星布雷克杀妻疑案终于获解 |
现年71岁的美国影星罗伯特-布雷克涉嫌杀妻案在历时近4年后,终于有了一个结果。日前,美国洛山矶市高等法院经过3个月的庭审和陪审团8天的深思熟虑,最终将布雷克当庭无罪释放。 据路透社3月17日报道,在本案审理过程中,被告律师指出,此案的关键目击证人的证言存在问题,因此没有证据和证人可以证明布雷克是凶手或雇佣他人行凶。在12人组成的陪审团最后表决时,11人认为布雷克无罪,只有1个人认为有罪。因此,法官最终宣布撤销对布雷克杀妻等多项指控,布雷克被无罪释放。 报道说,布雷克在听到宣判后一下抱住了自己的辩护律师,并在座位上激动地发抖,将脸埋于手中哭泣。布雷克数年来的沉冤终于得以昭雪了。 2001年5月4日,布雷克44岁的妻子邦妮-巴克利被枪杀。2002年4月18日,布雷克被洛杉矶警方正式逮捕。之后,他被指控犯有一级谋杀、买凶杀人、“特殊情况下”撒谎和作伪证等多项罪名。据专家分析,如果罪名成立,布雷克将被判处死刑。 案发后,当年67岁的布雷克一直成为被警方调查的重点嫌疑人。布雷克告诉警方,他同妻子在维特罗饭店吃过晚餐离开后,又回到饭店去寻找自己失落的手枪,而其妻则在停于饭店门外的车中等他。布雷克称,那只手枪是他携带的防身武器;但他万万没有想到,返回汽车时,竟然发现妻子头部遭枪击身亡。 检察官曾强调说,布雷克是因为巴克利怀孕才和她结婚;之后他一直试图保护他俩的小女儿罗西,并不让罗西与巴克利接触,因为他认为巴克利和其他男子有性关系;布雷克因看不起巴克利,并且为了获得罗西的监护权,而想杀死巴克利。 关于布雷克当晚是否真的回到饭店找枪一事,饭店老板曾表示,布雷克的确在用餐后又回到饭店,但他什么也没找,只是喝了两杯水,然后就离开了。同时,有两名已退休的好莱坞替身演员声称,布雷克曾想雇佣他们充当杀手,并愿出庭作证。但是警方一直没有足够的证据来证实这些证言的真实性。 2003年1月,布雷克涉嫌杀妻案开庭重审。布雷克的辩护律师向法庭提交了新的证据,称杀害他妻子的真正凶手是当时在附近伺机抢劫的一名罪犯。 今年3月,布雷克涉嫌杀妻案又出现新转机。被告律师对那两名原好莱坞替身演员的关键目击证人的证言可信度提出了质疑,因为这两个人都是重度吸毒者。被告律师指出,此案的关键目击证人的证言存在问题,并指责警方调查过于仓促。最后,法官宣布对布雷克无罪释放。 至此,这个沉冤4年的积案终于真相大白得出了结果,而布雷克也终于重新获得了自由。(文/孙亚萍) |