欢迎参加2005年4月10日IELTS讲座 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/29 11:28 英国大使馆文化教育处 |
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英国大使馆文化教育处将于2005年4月10日在北京外国语大学举办IELTS讲座。届时,英国剑桥大学ESOL考试中心总裁米兰诺维奇先生将亲临现场为大家介绍IELTS考试设计原理及评分标准,IELTS的认知度,如何提高自己的英语水平以及IELTS对考生海外留学的重要作用。来自英国文化协会及澳大利亚教育国际开发署和教育部考试中心的外籍专家及高层人士也将参加此次活动,与考生零距离接触,回答大家的提问。 演讲人:英国剑桥大学ESOL考试中心总裁 米兰诺维奇 (博士) 地点:北京外国语大学(北外)东院 逸夫楼一层第一阶梯教室 时间:4月10日晚18:30-20:00 活动免费,请提前预约,预约电话:6590 6903-212/231/271/326 Welcome to the IELTS Seminar on April 10th Mr. Mike Milanovic from Cambridge ESOL is invited to deliver an IELTS presentation held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on 10th April. The presentation will focus on the validity and reliability of the test and the recognition of IELTS. The presenter will also give some useful tips for building the skills needed to perform well in the test and in your overseas work or study. Representatives from the British Council, IDP IELTS Australia and NEEA will also attend this event and answer the questions from the audience. Presenter:Mr. Mike Milanovic,Chief Executive of Cambridge ESOL Venue:No. 1 classroom, 1st Floor, Yifu Building,East Campus of Beijing Foreign Studies University Time:18:30 – 20:00pm, April 10th Please make reservation at:6590 6903-212/231/271/326 |
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