报纸抽奖中的一字之差引来众人怒 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/30 16:29 北京青年报 |
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A glitch in a newspaper contest turned what appeared to be $100,000 winners into losers and led hundreds of angry game-players to protest outside the office of New York's DailyNews newspaper on Monday. The "Scratch and Match" contest page in the newspaper's Saturday edition erroneously included the number 13 in a series of 10 numbers, instead of the number 12 as intended. The "wrong" number triggered a rash of winning scratch card tickets in a contest that is set up to pay out $222,500 a week in prizes, which ranging from $25 to $100,000. People who thought they had won, but hadn't, lined up outside the newspaper's Manhattan offices on Monday demanding their money. The paper published an apology on Sunday and again on Monday, blaming the company that runs the contest for the daily, D.L. Blair, Inc., one of the largest US sweepstakes companies. DailyNews president Les Goodstein said contest players with cards they had thought were winners were eligible to enter a lottery-type contest to divide the available prize money, as spelled out in contest rules in the event of errors. |
报纸抽奖中的一字之差引来众人怒 |
纽约一个报纸抽奖中的小故障使得看似是10万美元的赢家成为了输家,这导致周一成百上千名义愤填膺的参赛者来到纽约《每日新闻》报社办公室外面抗议。 在上周六出版的"刮奖游戏"页上登出的一串10个数字号码当中,该报未按计划将"12"包括进来,而是误将"13"包含其中,这个"错误"数字造成比赛中一下子冒出大量获胜的刮奖卡票,该比赛每周送出的奖金为222500美元,最低25美元,最高10万美元。 周一,那些原以为获了奖而实际并没获奖的人在曼哈顿的报社办公室外面排起了队,要求讨回他们的钱。该报上周日就刊登了致歉信,本周一再度致歉,在信中还责怪了为该报组织比赛的D.L.布莱尔公司(D.L. Blair),该公司是美国最大的彩票公司之一。《每日新闻》总裁拉斯-古德斯泰恩说,正如比赛规则所明确说明的那样,如果发生错误,为了分配那部分奖金,那些原以为自己的卡片是赢家的参赛者都有资格参加一个如同彩票抽奖的比赛来分胜负。 |