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Hawaii 夏威夷--阿洛哈州美景尽览
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/03/30 19:56  长喜欢乐英语

  As one of the most beautiful places on earth, the 137 islands, islets and shoals that make up the Hawaiian Island chain sit at the northern tip of the Polynesian Triangle, an expanse of ocean roughly the size of Europe and North America combined. However, most people know Hawaii only by six of these islands: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island Honolulu. Every year, millions of people come to this beautiful resort to visit and enjoy their vacation. It is generally believed Hawaii’s first permanent inhabitants sailed in voyaging canoes from the southern hemisphere islands of the Marquesas, between 300 and 800 A.D. Later waves of settlers arrived by the 12th century, this time from Tahiti. Hawaii is a land of many contrasts. Urban Honolulu, the state capital, is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of more than 370,000; the entire island of Molokai, a scant 50 miles away, has only 7,400 residents.

  State Flag

  The state flag has eight stripes representing the Hawaiian archipelago’s major islands: Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii. The colors are red, white and blue. From top to bottom on the flag the stripes are, in order, white, red, blue, white, red, blue, white, red. The upper left corner closely resembles the Union Jack of Great Britain. Designed for King Kamehameha I in the early 1800’s, the flag’s resemblance to the Union Jack symbolizes King Kamehameha’s friendship with the British.

  State Motto

  Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness). King Kamehameha III is said to have uttered these words on July 31, 1843, when a British admiral once more raised the Hawaiian flag after a brief usurpation of authority.

  Hawaii’s Attractions

  The Big Island (Honolulu)

  You can try dancing the hula and taking part in an authentic luau (feast). Head upcountry and discover the uniquely blended Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Mexican cultures — still alive and well among Hawaiian paniolo (cowboys) on the island’s giant ranches. Or perhaps you can visit historical Kealakekua Bay where Captain James Cook dramatically lost his life in 1779. Finally, don’t miss Puukohola Heiau. This sacred spot was built in 1790 by King Kamehameha as an offering to the gods, where he asked for success in his campaign to unite the Hawaiian Islands.


  From the timeless grandeur of Haleakala Crater to the historic charm of 19th Century Lahaina, Maui offers a wealth of historic and cultural attractions that will captivate your imagination and reveal the extraordinary traditions of this magical isle. The town of Lahaina is a National Historic District, with timeless charm and a variety of important historic sites that take one back to the days when the town served as an important whaling port. No matter where you travel on Maui you are sure to find points of historic and cultural significance.


  A place of deep cultural significance, Lanai boasts many historical sites, old fishing villages, and unique topographical features like the boulder-strewn Keahikawelo. In the center of the island, Lanai City features thoroughly and lovingly restored landmarks, including the lovely Lanai Playhouse and Theater and the charming Hotel Lanai, both dating from the 1920’s. A prehistoric mystery lingers in Luahiwa, where visitors will find 34 boulders featuring intriguing petroglyphs carved by ancient Hawaiians.


  Molokai residents show a deep regard for tradition and take great care to preserve the island’s unique cultural heritage. Here, it often seems as if the past and the present exist simultaneously. One of the island’s most popular cultural attractions is the Kalokoeli Fishpond, where ancient Hawaiians once practiced a remarkably sophisticated form of aquaculture. As many as 60 of these fish ponds once operated along the southern shore, and most of them were constructed at least 700 years ago. Another must-see is the Iliiliopae Heiau, one of the largest ancient temple platforms in all of Hawaii. Set deep within a thriving forest, this historic site offers a palpable sense of wonder and spirituality.


  Oahu’s rich cultural heritage may be something you seek out, but you’ll most certainly find it without even trying. There are several ways to soak up Oahu’s colorful history. Museums, temples, cultural centers and festivals just to name a few. Historical artifacts can be found at both the Bishop Museum and Iolani Palace, home to the last reining monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. Take in turn-of-the-century architecture with a stroll through Chinatown, or ride the trolley through Waikiki and you’ll see historical hotels such as the Sheraton Moana Surfrider and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel made famous in the early 1900’s.


  Archaeologists speculate that the first “tourists” to Hawaii landed on Kauai perhaps as early as 500 A.D. The gentle Pacific Ocean trade winds that brought settlers from Marquesas, Tahiti, Samoa and other South Pacific islands were the same that eventually led Captain James Cook to make his first landing in Hawaii on the shores of Waimea, Kauai in 1778. Educational displays of the artifacts and contemporary crafts of the Native Hawaiians can be found at the Kauai Museum. Discover ancient sacred sites on the banks of rivers, near fishponds, in parks or set among the cliffs. Attend a luau (feast) at one of the resorts to see the dances and hear legends of Kauai.

  Other places where Kauai’s culture and beauty pervade are botanical and cultural gardens, the Kokee Natural History Museum, the Waioli Mission, and the charming historical towns of Hanalei, Hanapepe and Lihue.

  Hawaii Weather

  Weather on all of the Hawaiian Islands is very consistent, with only minor changes in temperature throughout the year. This is due to year-round warm sea surface temperatures, which keep the overlying atmosphere warm as well. In practical terms, there are only 2 seasons: the summer months (called Kau in Hawaiian) that extend from May to October and the winter months (Ho’oilo) that run from November to April. The average daytime summer temperature at sea level is 85 degrees F. (29.4 C) while the average daytime winter temperature is 78 degrees (25.6 C). Temperatures at night are approximately 10 degrees F. lower.


  Hiking through Hawaii’s lush rainforests... Lounging on a secluded beach... Cruising down a volcano on a mountain bike at top speed... These are just a few of the myriad of activities you can do while in Hawaii — The Islands of Aloha. From catching a sunset sail on a balmy, tropical evening to hitting the ski slopes at Mauna Kea crater, Hawaii offers activities to please each individual. You can snorkel, hike, explore and catch an afternoon luau (feast) all in one day. The choice is yours. All you have to do is figure out what you want to do while on vacation in Hawaii. Then again, you may want to do nothing at all.

  The Language

  Although more than 100 different languages are spoken in Hawaii, the state’s two official languages are Hawaiian and English. The melodious Hawaiian language is a Polynesian dialect and has only 12 letters in its alphabet: vowels a, e, i, o, u and consonants h, k, l, m, n, p and w. Some of the most popular words you’ll hear in Hawaii are:

  Aloha love, hello, goodbye

  Mahalothank you




  Kama’ainaHawaii resident



  Words of Caution

  Many visitors are drawn to the natural beauty found in higher elevations such as Kokee on Kauai, or Haleakala on Maui, or Kilauea on the Big Island. To prepare for the trip, bring long pants and several layers of cool weather clothing because the temperature in the higher locations drops 3.5 degrees for every 1,000 feet above sea level that you climb. For example, the summit of Haleakala at an elevation of 10,023 feet can be as much as 30 degrees F. cooler than resort areas on the coast.

  These peaks rise through the earth’s atmosphere so there is less protection from the sun’s powerful burning rays. This burning effect can be easily masked by the cool temperatures on the mountain, so be sure to use sun block liberally, and bring a hat and sunglasses.

Hawaii 夏威夷--阿洛哈州美景尽览






  (Ua mau ke ea o ka 慳ina i ka pono.)(守正义则存)。据称,卡美哈美哈国王三世于1843年7月31日说出这样一番话。当时一位英国海军上将在一次短暂的篡位之后,再次举起夏威夷旗帜。



  你可以跳草裙舞,参加真正的夏威夷宴会。继续深入,你会看到独特的混杂的夏威夷、葡萄牙、以及墨西哥文化依然存在,而且在岛上的大牧场的夏威夷牛仔身上得到了充分发挥。或者你可以访问历史悠久的凯阿拉凯库亚湾,詹姆斯·库克船长就是于1779年在这里去世。最后,不要错过Puukohola Heiau,这个神圣的地方是由卡美哈美哈国王于1790年建立,作为对神的供奉,以祈求成功统一夏威夷群岛。






  莫洛凯岛的居民非常尊崇传统,并尽力保护岛上独特的文化遗迹。在这里,好像历史与现实是同在的。岛上最流行的文化名胜是Kalokoeli Fishpond,古代的夏威夷人曾经在此形成了成熟的水产业形式。在南海岸大约有60个鱼塘,其中大多数都是在至少700年前建造的。另外一处不容错过的地方就是Iliiliopae Heiau,这是夏威夷最大的一处祖庙平台。穿过一处茂密的树林,这一历史胜地将给你带来无尽的惊奇。


  瓦胡岛丰富的文化遗迹可能是你最希望探索的,但是毫无疑问,您可以毫不费力地找到。了解瓦胡岛的多彩历史有多种方式。博物馆、神庙、文化中心和节日只是其中的一部分。在主教博物馆和伊奥拉尼皇宫(最后一个统治者利留卡拉尼女王的居所),您可以看到各种史前文物。漫步穿过唐人街,观赏跨世纪的建筑,或乘电车穿过怀基基海滩,你可以看到许多历史悠久的旅馆,例如在20世纪早期就已经非常著名的Moana Surfrider希尔顿和皇家夏威夷酒店。









  虽然夏威夷有100多种不同的语言,州的两种官方语言为夏威夷语和英语。声调优美的夏威夷语是一种波利尼西亚方言,在其字母表中仅有12个字母:元音a, e, I, o, u以及辅音h, k, l, m, n, p和w。在夏威夷你会经常听到这些话:













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