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初中英语课外辅导:Units 8 & 9疑难解析
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/01 08:29  英语辅导报

  1. We give thanks to God for all that we have got. 我们因所得到的东西而向上帝感恩。

  give(one's) thanks to sb. for sth.表示“因为某事而向某人致谢”,这个短语中的thanks是名词,表示“感谢、谢意”,与thanks搭配的短语还有:express one's thanks表达谢意, return thanks to sb.答谢, say thanks to sb.道谢。例如:

  How can I return thanks to you for saving my life? 我怎么答谢你对我的救命之恩呢?

  The peasants gave thanks to God for the good harvest. 农民们因大丰收而向上帝感恩。

  动词形式是thank,形容词形式是thankful。因此“因某事向某人致谢”还可以说成thank sb. for(doing) sth.或be thankful to sb. for sth.。例如:

  I must thank my teacher for helping me a lot. 我必须感谢老师给我那么多的帮助。

  We are thankful to the old man for giving us the message. 我们感谢这位老人给我们这个信息。

  2. About twenty years after the first settlers arrived in New England, fighting often broke out between the settlers and Indians. 在第一批移民到达新英格兰大约20年后,移民与印第安人之间就常常爆发战斗。

  break out为动词短语,表示“突然爆发”,多指火灾、战争等。例如:

  Fire broke out in the neighbourhood last night. 昨夜附近发生了火灾。

  When did the Second World War break out? 第二次世界大战是什么时候爆发的?


  break down打破、毁坏; break open裂开、破裂; break into破门而入,等等。

  3. The Great Spirit decided to teach her a lesson, she would have no face, nor could she talk to the people, the birds, or the animals of the forest. 大神决定给她一个教训:她将没有脸,也不能和人、鸟或森林中的动物讲话。

  teach sb. a lesson的意思是“给某人一个教训”。例如:

  The accident which was caused by carelessness taught him a lesson forever. 那个由粗心引发的事故给了他一个永久的教训。

  “nor +助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语”是倒装句,表示“也不”,同neither,肯定句用so。例如:

  I haven't been abroad, nor has she. 我没出过国,她也没有。

  I shall follow Lei Feng's example, so will my brother. 我将以雷锋为榜样,我弟弟也是。

  4. They picture the place with palm trees, beaches, and Hollywood, where so many famous movies have been made. 在他们的想象中,那里有棕榈树、海滩,还有拍摄了许多著名电影的地方——好莱坞。

  picture 在此处为动词,表示“想象,设想(某事物)”的意思,与imagine的意思相同。常加名词或动名词。例如:

  Can you picture life without electricity? 你能想象没有电的生活吗?

  She pictured getting a chance of going abroad for further study. 她想象着得到一次出国深造的机会。

  He pictured to himself the family having a picnic in the countryside. 他想象全家人在乡村里进行野餐的情景。(picture常与to连用,后接反身代词)。

  5. Most importantly, people realized that they must learn to care for their living environment. 最重要的是人们意识到了必须学会关注他们的生存环境。


  He didn't realize his mistake until he failed several times. 直到他失败了好几次,他才意识到自己的错误。

  After his hard work, he realized his dream of becoming an engineer. 在他的辛苦努力下,他终于实现了成为工程师的梦想。

  (2)care for为动词短语,表示“照顾、照料”的意思,同义短语为take care of或look after。例如:

  She cares for the children as if they were her own. 她像照顾自己的孩子一样照顾这些孩子。

  care for还可以表示“喜欢,想要”的意思。例如:

  Would you care for some coffee? 你要不要来点儿咖啡?

  6. Hi, Harry, I just heard on TV that Highway 3 is jammed with cars. 嗨,亨利,我刚在电视上听到3号高速公路挤满了汽车。

  be jammed with的意思是“挤满”。例如:

  The corridors were jammed with a lot of school children. 走廊里挤满了小学生。


  put jam on a piece of bread把果酱涂在一片面包上;a traffic jam交通阻塞;be in (get into) a jam 处于(陷入)困境。



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