新浪首页 > 新浪教育 > 美国新超级英雄现身卡通漫画书中

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/12 16:32  北京青年报

  BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) - Pope John Paul II is being reborn in a Colombian comic book as a super-hero battling evil with an anti-Devil cape and special "chastity pants". The first episode of the "Incredible Popeman" is about to go on sale in Colombia and shows the late Polish pontiff meeting comic-book legends such as Batman and Superman to learn how to use superpowers to battle Satan. "The pope was a real-life super-hero, of flesh and blood," said Colombian artist Rodolfo Le n, a non-practicing Catholic who has been working on the comic book for about a year.

  Like any self-respecting super-hero, the Incredible Popeman has a battery of special equipment. Along with his yellow cape and green chastity pants, Popeman wields a "faith staff" with a cross on top and carries holy water and communion wine. In the comic book, the pope dies and is reborn with super-powers beyond the doctrinal infallibility that Roman Catholic doctrine gave him on earth.

  Le n said he was saddened by the death Saturday of John Paul II, whom he admired. The artist, who worried that some people might be offended by his new comic-book hero, said the reception so far has been good. The book will be sold in predominantly Catholic Colombia and Poland, and publishers in Mexico, Canada and the US have also expressed interest, Le n said.

哥伦比亚首都波哥大:教皇约翰-保罗二世在哥伦比亚的一部漫画书中复活了,这次他以一个超级英雄的形象出现,他身穿降魔斗篷和特殊操守裤,与邪恶势力作斗争。这部漫画书名为“神奇的教皇大侠”,第一集即将在哥伦比亚上市,讲述的是这位已故的波兰籍教皇与传奇漫画人物蝙蝠侠和超人等会面,向他们学习如何使用超级力量与魔鬼撒旦进行战斗。“教皇是一个现实生活中的超级英雄,他有血有肉,”哥伦比亚艺术家洛多尔弗-雷庸说道。他是个不去教堂做礼拜的天主教徒,已花了一年左右的时间在画这部漫画书了。   就像其他自尊的超级英雄一样,神奇的教皇大侠也有一整套特殊装备,除了黄色斗篷和绿色操守裤以外,他还持一根“信念手杖”,其顶部有个十字架。他还带着圣水和圣餐酒。漫画中教皇死而复生,拥有了超级力量,这些力量超出了他在尘世间时罗马天主教教义赋予他的在讲道时绝对正确的权威。   雷庸说,他为约翰-保罗二世在上周六去世感到悲痛。这位艺术家担心,他新塑造的漫画英雄可能会冒犯一些人,但他表示,迄今为止读者对该书的反响还是不错的。雷庸说,这本书将主要在信天主教的哥伦比亚和波兰销售,墨西哥、加拿大和美国的出版商们也已表达了对此书的兴趣。


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