埃及沙漠发现几乎完整的械齿鲸化石 |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/20 19:00 国际在线 |
An American paleontologist and a team of Egyptians have found the most nearly complete fossilized skeleton of the primitive whale Basilosaurus isis in Egypt's Western Desert, a university spokesman said on Monday. Philip Gingerich of the University of Michigan excavated the well-preserved skeleton, which is about 40 million years old, in a desert valley known as Wadi Hitan (the Valley of the Whales) southwest of Cairo, spokesman Karl Bates told Reuters. "His feeling is that it's the most complete -- the whole skeleton from stem to stern," said Bates. The skeleton, which is 50 feet long, could throw light on why there are so many fossilized remains of whales and other ancient sea animals in Wadi Hitan and possibly how the extinct animal swam, he said. Basilosaurus isis is one of the primitive whales known as archaeocetes, which evolved from land mammals and later evolved into the two types of modern whale. But it looks like a giant sea snake and the paleontologists who found the first archaeocetes thought they were reptiles. Modern whales swim by moving their horizontal fluke up and down in the water, while fish swim by lateral undulations. "The research team will use the new skeleton to study how it lived and swam, and possibly to learn why it so abundant in Wadi Hitan," Gingerich said in a statement. The statement said the skeleton will go to Michigan for preservation and replication. The original will then come back to Egypt for display. |
埃及沙漠发现几乎完整的械齿鲸化石 |
说到鲸鱼骨骼化石的出土,或许很少有人会将沙漠广布的埃及与之联系在一起,但如果人们知道现在埃及的Wadi Hitan沙漠在很久以前曾被一片汪洋覆盖,且鲸鱼这种庞然大物在其中兴旺繁衍的时候,或许人们就不会对在埃及沙漠发现鲸鱼化石而感到震惊了。 据路透社4月18日报道,一位美国古生物学家和一个埃及小组日前在埃及西部的沙漠地区发现了一种原始鲸类——械齿鲸(Basilosaurus isis)几乎完整的骨骼化石。 美国密歇根大学的古生物学家菲利普·金格里奇在开罗西南方的Wadi Hitan沙漠(即人们所说的“鲸之谷”,the Valley of the Whales)发掘出了一具长约50英尺(约合18米),有大约4000万年历史的保存完好的鲸鱼骨骼化石。密歇根大学发言人卡尔-贝茨表示,这个几乎完整的鲸鱼骨骼化石或许能够向人们说明,为什么Wadi Hitan地区会出土那么多鲸鱼和其它古代海洋生物的化石残骸;或许它还能告诉人们,这种已经灭绝了的庞然大物是如何游泳的。 械齿鲸是人们已知的原始鲸类之一,它是由陆地动物进化而来的,随后它又进一步进化为两种现代的鲸类。虽然属于鲸鱼的一种,但是械齿鲸的外貌特征却和巨大的海蛇相似,当它首次被发现时,古生物学家还曾经把它当成是爬行动物。 械齿鲸属于食肉类动物,它短而锋利的牙齿是用来捕获鲨鱼和其它猎物的。与现在的鲸鱼不同,械齿鲸没有呼吸孔,所以这种古代的庞大海洋生物不得不把头探出水面才能呼吸。械齿鲸的特别之处还在于,它从它的陆地祖先那里承传了一双小脚。 现代鲸类是通过摆动它们水平的尾片在水中上下沉浮的,那么这种原始鲸类是如何在水中游弋的呢?对此,金格里奇在一份声明中表示:“研究小组会通过这些骨骼化石来分析械齿鲸是如何在水中生存和游泳的,另外研究小组还很可能找到Wadi Hitan地区械齿鲸如此丰富的原因是什么。” 报道说,这具械齿鲸骨骼化石将被送到美国密歇根州进行保存和复制,然后化石原件会被送回埃及进行展览。(文/王高山) |
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