拍杂志另类照 法国小姐桂冠难保(图) |
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/04/28 20:39 国际在线 |
Miss France May be Stripped of Crown Miss France 2004 risks being stripped of her title after revealing pictures of her were published in the May edition of Playboy, the contest's organiser, Genevieve de Fontenay, said yesterday. Saying she was "shocked and devastated" by the publication of the semi-nude pictures of Laetitia Bléger, Ms de Fontenay said an extraordinary disciplinary committee meeting "within the next few days" would decide on an appropriate response towards the 24-year-old flight attendant. She added that the competition's rules stated clearly that "no photographs that could in any way be deemed licentious" could be published of a Miss France during the year of her coronation or five years afterwards. Anyone found guilty of breaching the rules could be relieved of her crown and made to return her prizes. "We cannot let this go," Ms de Fontenay said. "Miss France has a certain status that must be defended." Ms Bléger was not available for comment last night and her website was closed. |
拍杂志另类照 法国小姐桂冠难保(图) |
“法国小姐”组委会负责人4月26日透露,因为《花花公子》拍摄半裸照片,2004年“法国小姐”比利格尔可能会被取消“法国小姐”的称号。 据英国《卫报》4月27日报道,2003年12月13日, 在法国多维尔国际中心,22岁的空姐拉提塔-比利格尔从46位参选佳丽中脱颖而出,被选为2004年度“法国小姐”。近日,比利格尔半裸的照片出现在《花花公子》杂志上,她因此有被“法国小姐”选美组委会剥夺“法国小姐”桂冠的可能。 该组委会负责人福特纳伊表示,《花花公子》上刊登的比利格尔的半裸照片让她感到“沮丧和震惊”,组委会将在最近几天召开特别会议,对比利格尔裸照事件作出合适的处理。” 福特纳伊表示,“法国小姐”选美竞赛规则明确指出,选美冠军在加冕后的6年间,只要有任何被认为是存在放肆行为的照片刊登,都将被剥夺“法国小姐”的头衔,且还要偿还她作为“法国小姐”接受的礼物。福特纳伊说:“我们不能对比利格尔事件视而不见。‘法国小姐’一定要维护自己的特殊身份。” 报道说,到26日晚上为止,比利格尔还没有公开发表言论,她的个人的网站也被关闭。(文/蒋黎黎) |
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