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Hitman, official executed
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/20 21:10  Shanghai Daily

  A former prosecutor in Yangquan, Shanxi Province, has been executed for hiring a man to kill one of his mistresses and their 3-year-old daughter.

  The contract killer, the brother of another mistress of the official, and that woman, who helped plot the murder, were also executed.

  Official Wang Junping and lover Zhu Yaying attempted to kill Zhu Yaqi, Yaying's brother, after he tried to blackmail the couple, reported Modern Express newspaper yesterday.

  Wang Junping met Wang Xiaoli, a divorced woman working at a discotheque, in 1997 and soon they began living together in a rented house in the city's suburbs.

  In mid-2001, Wang Junping met Zhu Yaying, who operated a garment shop in Yangquan. Soon they started living together, according to the newspaper.

  Wang Xiaoli found out and exposed it to the prosecutors' office.

  Wang Junping and Zhu Yaying then hired Zhu Yaqi to kill Wang Xiaoli and a daughter born of the extramarital affair.

  They paid Zhu Yaqi 20,000 yuan (US$2,400).

  On February 5, 2003, Wang Junping drove Zhu Yaqi, Wang Xiaoli and the baby to a deserted house in suburban Yangquan.

  Zhu strangled and beat the mother and daughter to death with a hammer.

  Zhu Yaqi soon pressed his sister and her lover for more money, threatening to expose the crime.

  The duo decided to murder Zhu Yaqi in March 2004.

  They bought tools, including a hammer, in Yangquan and drove to Zhu Yaqi's hometown in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province.

  The duo sneaked into his home on the morning of March 8.

  Zhu Yaying woke up her brother and asked him to see her in another room.

  The moment he opened the door Wang attacked him with the hammer.

  Zhu Yaqi's girlfriend, identified as Zhan, was staying with him that day. She cried for help when she heard the noise.

  Wang, seeing Zhu couldn't move, stopped the attack and assaulted Zhan. She was seriously injured in the onslaught.

  Zhu jumped off the second-floor balcony and got help.

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