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No more mercy for bus drivers
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005/05/24 18:46  Shanghai Daily

  The days of bus drivers getting off with a verbal warning for breaking traffic rules are over, according to local police, who say they will begin handing out stiff fines to any bus driver caught violating the rules.

  Police set up a new system for handling infractions by bus drivers yesterday. Buses that break traffic rules will be photographed by the police and the driver will be sent a ticket later along with information on where to pay the fine.

  In the past, police would often just warn the driver and then let them continue driving in order to prevent delaying commuters or blocking the streets, especially during rush hours.

  Police said they were tolerant of bus drivers because passengers would pressure them not to delay the bus to hand out a ticket.

  "Sometimes, passengers on the bus would blame the police officer for delaying their ride especially during rush hours, making it difficult for police officers to deal with the driver seriously," said Zhao Qihong, an officer with the city's General Team of Traffic Police.

  Many bus drivers began to expect police to be tolerant of them when breaking traffic rules, which encouraged drivers to ignore more and more rules, police said.

  Speeding, cutting across lanes without signaling, and driving in the wrong direction on some streets are some of the bold violations frequently committed by bus drivers, according to police.

  About 8:30am yesterday, two police officers staged on an overpass in Xujiahui took a picture of the plate of a No. 572 bus that committed an infraction.

  Several minutes later, the bus was stopped by a fellow officer patrolling the next crossroad. The driver was given an infraction ticket, and told to pay the fine within 15 days.

  When the driver tried to argue about the fine, the officer ordered him to drive away immediately so as not to block traffic along the street.

  "We think the effective system for handing out fines will reduce the number of bus violations in the future," said Zhao.

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